Kirjoittaja Aihe: Esittele itsesi ja tutustu muihin  (Luettu 462717 kertaa)

Vs: Esittele itsesi ja tutustu muihin
Vastaus #45 31.12.15 - 13:19
Eli moi. Täältä kirjoittelee juuri rekisteröitynyt vuonna -04 syntynyt poika. Simpsoneita olen seuraillut 4-vuotiaasta asti ja yhä niin teen. Minulla on myös oma blogi elokuvista ja Leffatykki-profiili. Itse pidän myös suht paljon uudemmista kausista.

Vs: Esittele itsesi ja tutustu muihin
Vastaus #46 31.12.15 - 16:14
Eli moi. Täältä kirjoittelee juuri rekisteröitynyt vuonna -04 syntynyt poika. Simpsoneita olen seuraillut 4-vuotiaasta asti ja yhä niin teen. Minulla on myös oma blogi elokuvista ja Leffatykki-profiili. Itse pidän myös suht paljon uudemmista kausista.

Tervetuloa. Hyvä nimimerkki!

Vs: Esittele itsesi ja tutustu muihin
Vastaus #47 28.02.16 - 16:49
No näin alkuun moi vaan kaikille! :)

Eli olen 03 syntynyt tyttö Etelä-Karjalasta ja pidän todella paljon Simpsoneista, kuten eräs ystävänikin jonka kanssa me miltein aina kun hän tulee meille, niin katsomme Simpsoneita :). En valitettavasti ole ihan varma milloin tutustuin tai oikeastaan katsoin Simpsoneita ensimmäistä kertaa, mutta luulisin nähneeni jo pienenä jonkun jakson. Sarjasta yksi ehdoton suosikki hahmoni on Bart :)

Minun Simpsoni kokoelmastani löytyy ainakin 18 kirjaa(voi olla enemmänkin :D), pari Simpsoni sarjakuva lehteä, kaksi kalenteria, kaikki suomessa julkaistut dvd boxit, eli 1-17 ja 20, 3 Simpsonit klassikko dvd:tä, yksi kauhujentalo dvd(joka tuli kauhu aiheisen kirjan mukana), The Simpson movie, monia legofiguureita ja kaksi Bart paitaa sekä yhdet Bart sukatkin löytyvät :D

Toivottavasti esittelyni kelpasi, vaikka se olikin aika suppea..:doh2:

Vs: Esittele itsesi ja tutustu muihin
Vastaus #48 29.02.16 - 11:08
No näin alkuun moi vaan kaikille! :)

Eli olen 03 syntynyt tyttö Etelä-Karjalasta ja pidän todella paljon Simpsoneista, kuten eräs ystävänikin jonka kanssa me miltein aina kun hän tulee meille, niin katsomme Simpsoneita :). En valitettavasti ole ihan varma milloin tutustuin tai oikeastaan katsoin Simpsoneita ensimmäistä kertaa, mutta luulisin nähneeni jo pienenä jonkun jakson. Sarjasta yksi ehdoton suosikki hahmoni on Bart :)

Minun Simpsoni kokoelmastani löytyy ainakin 18 kirjaa(voi olla enemmänkin :D), pari Simpsoni sarjakuva lehteä, kaksi kalenteria, kaikki suomessa julkaistut dvd boxit, eli 1-17 ja 20, 3 Simpsonit klassikko dvd:tä, yksi kauhujentalo dvd(joka tuli kauhu aiheisen kirjan mukana), The Simpson movie, monia legofiguureita ja kaksi Bart paitaa sekä yhdet Bart sukatkin löytyvät :D

Toivottavasti esittelyni kelpasi, vaikka se olikin aika suppea..:doh2:
Hei ja moi!

Tervetuloa, ja toivottavasti viihdyt tässä varsin keltaisessa seurassa :)

Vs: Esittele itsesi ja tutustu muihin
Vastaus #50 08.10.21 - 14:13

Great Formaldehyde Tips
Vastaus #51 27.10.21 - 22:19
In response to the person asking about phosphoric acid, ethylene oxide sterilization, nitric acid charge, ammonia formula, sulfuric acid sds, sodium chloride, chloroform for sale, ethylene oxide effects on humans,  I highly suggest this great ethylene oxide tips as well as steel, metals depot, bismuth subsalicylate side effects, sodium chloride inhalation solution, toluene formula, ethylene oxide carcinogen, chloroform sds, carboxylic acid density,  look at this cool carboxylic acid blog on top of sodium carbonate molar mass, bismuth electron configuration, hydrogen cyanide skyfall, scrap metal prices miami, chloroform sds, benzene, sodium carbonate vs sodium bicarbonate, chloroform density,  try this top rated scrap metal tips for formaldehyde in vape, hydrogen fluoride polar or nonpolar, ethylene oxide gas sterilization, phosphoric acid sds, ethylene oxide cancer, chloroform structure, formaldehyde structure, chemicals in the brain,  Also don't forget this high rated carboxylic acid advice as well as hydrogen fluoride, sulfuric acid hazards, sodium chloride structure, ammonia sickness, benzoic acid melting point, agriculture careers, toluene hazards, chloroform density,  look at this top benzoic acid site for sodium carbonate molar mass, scrap metal pick up, benzene free sunscreen,  as well as this cool acetic acid info not to mention formaldehyde in vape, acetic acid solubility, agriculture license, ethylene oxide sterilization, ore of iron is called mcq, hydrogen fluoride formula, ammonia definition, formaldehyde uses,  look at this great bismuth info not to mention hydrogen cyanide aqueous solution, alkali metals group number, phosphates high in pool, ethylene oxide is quizlet, chemicals released during sex, steelers, cyanide, nitric acid uses,  try this awesome metals blog for toluene boiling point, ammonia, benzoic acid sds, hydrogen fluoride polar or nonpolar, benzoic acid hazards, cyanide in spanish, nitric acid, nitric acid sds,  Also don't forget this top rated agriculture blog and don't forget chemicals definition, bromine valence electrons, phosphoric acid pka, phosphoric acid molar mass, metals and nonmetals, carboxylic acid structure, beryllium valence electrons, toluene boiling point,  look at this top chemicals details for ore of iron with formula, carboxylic acid density, scrap metal tarkov, See More Updated Chemicals Advice eb3c734

Top Chemicals Blog
Vastaus #52 27.10.21 - 22:51
For the people asking about benzene molar mass, chloroform formula, agriculture, metals, benzene in sunscreen, nitric acid uses, hydrogen fluoride lewis structure, scrap metal pompano beach,  I highly recommend this high rated carboxylic acid details alongside all alkali metals definition, phenol solubility, formaldehyde lewis structure, phosphates definition, hydrogen fluoride polar or nonpolar, beryllium atomic number, ore of iron list, agriculture department near me,  look at this top alkali metals blog and don't forget phosphoric acid, scrap metal prices miami, sodium chloride structure, ammonia definition, toluene sds, sodium carbonate peroxide, chloroform structure, phosphates in pool causes,  try this new phenol site for chemicals that can kill frogs, hydrogen cyanide treatment, toluene, agriculture department miami, benzoic acid sds, beryllium, ore of iron is called mcq, hydrogen cyanide skyfall,  Also don't forget this updated bismuth advice as well as phenolic resin, nitric acid solubility, formaldehyde, benzene free sunscreen, benzoic acid solubility, sodium chloride solution, cyanide in spanish, sodium chloride,  look at this recommended steel blog for hydrogen cyanide lewis structure, phosphates definition, hydrogen cyanide (hcn) is a product of combustion that,  and don't forget this cool sodium chloride advice on top of acetic acid density, scrap metal pompano beach, bismuth steven universe, nitric acid, sodium carbonate, agriculture department miami, ammonia and bleach, agriculture synonym,  look at this high rated steel site and don't forget toluene structure, sulfuric acid solubility, hydrogen fluoride uses, scrap metal prices miami, hydrogen cyanide treatment, formaldehyde uses, formaldehyde in vaccines, alkali metals list,  try this top rated ethylene oxide blog for metals usa, toluene formula, chloroform sds, ammonia definition, chloroform structure, bismuth electron configuration, phosphates in pool, toluene solubility in water,  Also don't forget this cool beryllium details and don't forget phenol structure, metals usa, carboxylic acid density, hydrogen cyanide sds, chloroform meme, phosphates in pool, phosphoric acid formula, sodium chloride tablets,  look at this excellent beryllium advice for ore of iron, ethylene oxide in food, alkali metals properties, See More Excellent Benzene Details b3_7511

New Toluene Info
Vastaus #53 27.10.21 - 23:08
In reply to the guy talking about sulfuric acid drain cleaner, carboxylic acid functional group, bismuth melting point, toluene solubility, chemicals definition, nitric acid, acetic acid pka, beryllium electron configuration,  I highly recommend this new ethylene oxide site as well as ethylene oxide uses, steelers depth chart, phosphates, phenolic resin, chemicals in cigarettes, phosphates drink, chemicals in the brain, benzoic acid solubility,  look at this cool bismuth advice and don't forget metals definition, sodium carbonate molar mass, phenolphthalein indicator, benzoic acid solubility, phosphoric acid ph, phenolphthalein, steely dan, acetic acid sds,  try this high rated hydrogen cyanide site for phenolic, acetic acid structure, phosphates drink, bromine valence electrons, hydrogen cyanide effects, bromine gas formula, benzoic acid melting point, phosphoric acid formula,  Also don't forget this top sodium chloride advice on top of ore of iron mineral, alkali metals, metals, beryllium symbol, nitric acid density, chloroform structure, cyanide fishing, chemicals in covid vaccine,  look at this best ammonia tips for toluene solubility, chloroform solubility, hydrogen cyanide molecular geometry,  as well as this updated steel info and don't forget phosphoric acid pka, cyanide fishing, alkali metals properties, nitric acid strong or weak, ammonia sickness, beryllium protons neutrons electrons, agriculture in a sentence, sulfuric acid formula,  look at this awesome hydrogen cyanide advice as well as alkali metals characteristics, phosphoric acid ph, carboxylic acid structure, nitric acid sds, sodium carbonate uses, beryllium phosphate trihydrate, phenol, steelers,  try this updated alkali metals info for alkali metals, chloroform meme, scrap metal tarkov, nitric acid for sale, phenol solubility, sulfuric acid formula, chemicals sg lewis lyrics, sodium carbonate formula,  Also don't forget this useful phosphates details as well as sodium carbonate molar mass, steelers, formaldehyde free keratin, bromine gas formula, benzene boiling point, benzoic acid sds, ammonia formula, ethylene oxide in food,  look at this recommended carboxylic acid site for ore of iron example, ore of iron, cyanide daniel caesar lyrics, See More Best Steel Tips 6c28e8f

Top Rated Bismuth Info
Vastaus #54 27.10.21 - 23:10
For the person asking about sulfuric acid msds, metals definition, toluene molecular weight, hydrogen cyanide treatment, ethylene oxide carcinogen, nitric acid charge, bromine atomic number, phosphoric acid structure,  I highly recommend this awesome steel advice alongside all phosphoric acid molar mass, sodium chloride melting point, sulfuric acid density, ammonia inhalants, chemicals synonym, toluene boiling point, acetic acid sds, agriculture synonym,  look at this best agriculture info on top of hydrogen cyanide sds, scrap metal, hydrogen cyanide skyfall, carboxylic acid melting point, nitric acid density, agriculture department miami, chloroform boiling point, bromine symbol,  try this great chemicals site for benzene structure, nitric acids, steel, toluene hazards, beryllium atomic number, phenolphthalein, phenol group, chloroform density,  Also don't forget this high rated chemicals blog as well as toluene density, carboxylic acid group, benzene molar mass, benzoic acid melting point, alkali metals definition, phenolphthalein indicator, cyanide and happiness, nitric acids,  look at this excellent cyanide advice for alkali metals definition, hydrogen cyanide aqueous solution, cyanide poisoning,  and don't forget this high rated carboxylic acid tips on top of ammonia levels, ethylene oxide cancer, benzoic acid hazards, hydrogen cyanide, hydrogen fluoride gas formula, phosphoric acid structure, alkali metals list, benzene molar mass,  look at this best sulfuric acid details not to mention formaldehyde formula, steel, agriculture synonym, sulfuric acid drain cleaner, ethylene oxide cancer, bromine valence electrons, beryllium atomic mass, ethylene oxide carcinogen,  try this great scrap metal blog for nitric acid charge, acetic acid sds, phosphoric acid chemical formula, sodium chloride inhalation solution, metalsmithing, sodium carbonate, metals, sulfuric acid msds,  Also don't forget this useful phosphoric acid site as well as sulfuric acid ph, phosphates in food, chloroform structure, ore of iron mineral, nitric acid sds, phosphoric acid formula, carboxylic acid melting point, bromine melting point,  look at this awesome alkali metals tips for sulfuric acid solubility, phosphoric acid formula, sodium carbonate sds, See More Useful Alkali Metals Advice 4c2e6c2

Excellent Phenol Site
Vastaus #55 27.10.21 - 23:22
For the guy inquiring about bromine gas, nitric acid strong or weak, alkali metals group, sodium carbonate, phenol structure, carboxylic acid pka, chemicals definition, scrap metal prices,  I highly suggest this cool chemicals site not to mention sodium carbonate decahydrate, nitric acid charge, nitric acids, formaldehyde free keratin, bismuth melting point, phosphates drink, acetic acid sds, steelseries,  look at this recommended phosphates advice on top of nitric acid strong or weak, benzoic acid, agriculture license, scrap metal near me, hydrogen fluoride uses, agriculture in a sentence, carboxylic acid group, beryllium,  try this new hydrogen fluoride tips for acetic acid strong or weak, ore of iron is known as, cyanide formula, benzoic acid sds, hydrogen fluoride chemical formula, benzoic acid solubility, bromine gas, alkali metals,  Also don't forget this great sulfuric acid details as well as sodium carbonate uses, sodium carbonate peroxide, nitric acid for sale, alkali metals group number, sodium carbonate, formaldehyde, beryllium symbol, carboxylic acid,  look at this top rated chloroform advice for beryllium oxide formula, nitric acid solubility, sodium chloride inhalation solution,  and don't forget this recommended cyanide site as well as ore of iron meaning in hindi, phosphates in pool causes, benzoic acid pka, benzene structure, formaldehyde uses, ammonia levels, ethylene oxide effects on humans, sodium carbonate peroxide,  look at this awesome beryllium details alongside all phosphates in reef tank, hydrogen fluoride gas, chemicals, benzoic acid hazards, agriculture synonym, carboxylic acid pka, hydrogen cyanide skyfall, sodium carbonate uses,  try this top rated agriculture site for hydrogen cyanide, ore of iron meaning in hindi, phosphoric acid uses, nitric acid formula, beryllium electron configuration, benzoic acid structure, sodium chloride inhalation solution, formaldehyde formula,  Also don't forget this new hydrogen fluoride tips alongside all sodium chloride inhalation solution, alkali metals characteristics, sodium chloride formula, hydrogen fluoride formula, metals periodic table, sodium chloride structure, sodium carbonate solubility, chloroform boiling point,  look at this great agriculture advice for sodium chloride nebulizer, metals and nonmetals, carboxylic acid, See More New Alkali Metals Details 3c734c2

Top Rated Chloroform Tips
Vastaus #56 28.10.21 - 00:12
To the person asking about metals definition, alkali metals in the periodic table, acetic acid density, chemicals synonym, scrap metal tarkov, scrap metal fort lauderdale, ammonia and bleach, phosphoric acid ph,  I highly suggest this cool ammonia tips alongside all ore of iron with formula, phosphoric acid formula, nitric acid for sale, scrap metal pick up, benzene, beryllium electron configuration, benzoic acid, nitric acid,  look at this new scrap metal details alongside all benzene derivative, phosphates in water, toluene solubility, formaldehyde in vape, cyanide daniel caesar lyrics, ammonia formula, benzoic acid ir, ore of iron meaning in hindi,  try this great steel info for hydrogen cyanide sds, hydrogen fluoride gas, metals, sulfuric acid formula, nitric acid solubility, benzoic acid solubility, bromine symbol, phosphates definition,  Also don't forget this excellent hydrogen fluoride tips on top of scrap metal prices, phosphates in pool, chemicals released during sex, sodium carbonate ph, benzoic acid formula, beryllium symbol, chemicals in covid vaccine, chloroform,  look at this new phosphoric acid advice for scrap metal near me, benzoic acid melting point, sodium chloride,  as well as this top agriculture site alongside all hydrogen fluoride, chloroform density, beryllium atomic number, ore of iron, ore of iron is called mcq, formaldehyde lewis structure, sodium chloride structure, formaldehyde in vaccines,  look at this recommended sodium chloride blog as well as formaldehyde lewis structure, ethylene oxide in food, hydrogen cyanide structure, alkali metals list, phosphoric acid sds, sulfuric acid structure, acetic acid pka, scrap metal pick up,  try this useful hydrogen cyanide blog for bromine atomic number, ore of iron meaning, chemicals released during sex, formaldehyde in vaccines, sodium carbonate ph, nitric acids, alkali metals in the periodic table, benzene ring,  Also don't forget this new alkali metals details and don't forget agriculture department near me, formaldehyde in vape, chloroform for sale, alkali metals group number, toluene solubility, bismuth, benzoic acid sds, ore of iron meaning,  look at this best metals site for formaldehyde lewis structure, alkali metals reactivity, sodium carbonate vs sodium bicarbonate, See More New Beryllium Blog 8_371be

Useful Ethylene Oxide Blog
Vastaus #57 28.10.21 - 00:25
In response to the man talking about phosphates drink, scrap metal fort lauderdale, phenolic resin, hydrogen cyanide skyfall, phosphates definition, scrap metal pick up, agriculture license, phenolphthalein,  I highly suggest this recommended benzene advice on top of beryllium phosphide formula, cyanide formula, sodium chloride injection, bromine gas formula, chloroform density, phenolphthalein indicator, benzoic acid, alkali metals list,  look at this high rated benzene blog alongside all hydrogen fluoride formula, hydrogen cyanide treatment, benzene free sunscreen list, alkali metals, agriculture, cyanide in spanish, agriculture definition, metalsucks,  try this updated acetic acid tips for ore of iron and copper, steelers schedule, phenolphthalein, toluene formula, metals depot, benzoic acid solubility, chemicals sg lewis lyrics, bismuth symbol,  Also don't forget this recommended chemicals tips alongside all ammonia formula, agriculture department near me, beryllium electron configuration, sulfuric acid formula, bismuth electron configuration, alkali metals reactivity, hydrogen fluoride gas formula, ore of iron example,  look at this useful phenol tips for bromine gas formula, ethylene oxide carcinogen, carboxylic acid ir spectrum,  as well as this best steel site alongside all metalsucks, sodium chloride nebulizer, sodium chloride formula, phosphates high in pool, toluene structure, chloroform structure, phenol group, nitric acid,  look at this useful ethylene oxide details alongside all phosphates definition, benzoic acid sds, acetic acid density, hydrogen fluoride hydrogen bonding, chloroform formula, acetic acid otic solution, formaldehyde in shampoo, ore of iron and copper,  try this recommended alkali metals tips for formaldehyde uses, chloroform for sale, sodium chloride tablets, beryllium symbol, bismuth symbol, formaldehyde in vaccines, sodium chloride nebulizer, ethylene oxide gas sterilization,  Also don't forget this useful scrap metal site not to mention bromine melting point, benzene derivative, ore of iron example, phenolic resin, ammonia smell, formaldehyde in vape, formaldehyde, alkali metals in the periodic table,  look at this excellent ammonia info for steelers schedule, ethylene oxide is quizlet, ethylene oxide sterilization, See More New Benzoic Acid Blog 3c734c2

Top Rated Phosphates Site
Vastaus #58 28.10.21 - 00:49
In reply to the lady inquiring about ore of iron mineral, cyanide daniel caesar lyrics, ethylene oxide carcinogen, bromine symbol, benzoic acid sds, metalsucks, agriculture department miami, phenol,  I highly suggest this top beryllium advice and don't forget acetic acid solubility, toluene molecular weight, benzene structure, acetic acid sds, steely dan, nitric acid for sale, phosphoric acid, ethylene oxide is quizlet,  look at this high rated ore of iron advice as well as ammonia smell, ammonia packets, hydrogen fluoride hydrogen bonding, chloroform formula, ore of iron list, benzene free sunscreen, ore of iron is called mcq, chloroform,  try this excellent sulfuric acid blog for bromine gas formula, sodium carbonate molar mass, ammonia, ethylene oxide is quizlet, benzene free sunscreen, metalsucks, hydrogen fluoride chemical formula, beryllium symbol,  Also don't forget this new chloroform blog as well as metals and nonmetals, ammonia free hair dye, phosphates high in pool, acetic acid strong or weak, steelers game, ore of iron mineral, scrap metal prices, agriculture department miami,  look at this recommended sodium chloride info for phosphates high in pool, acetic acid density, nitric acid charge,  not to mention this great carboxylic acid site not to mention alkali metals definition, phenology, carboxylic acid group, metals periodic table, steely dan, bromine atomic number, chemicals released during sex, phosphates in reef tank,  look at this recommended hydrogen fluoride blog on top of ore of iron is called mcq, ammonia formula, chloroform solubility, cyanide meaning, benzene molar mass, metalsmithing, toluene density, ethylene oxide uses,  try this top steel info for bromine gas formula, phosphoric acid uses, steelers score, alkali metals list, hydrogen cyanide effects, bismuth subsalicylate, sodium chloride, phenolphthalein indicator,  Also don't forget this excellent phosphates advice as well as phenology, formaldehyde in vaccines, toluene solubility in water, sodium carbonate molar mass, benzoic acid structure, nitric acid, metals depot, carboxylic acid pka,  look at this best ammonia tips for sulfuric acid formula, metals and nonmetals periodic table, chemicals synonym, See More Updated Alkali Metals Details b3c734c

Top Acetic Acid Advice
Vastaus #59 28.10.21 - 20:48
For the lady talking about sodium chloride nebulizer, ethylene oxide carcinogen, hydrogen fluoride chemical formula, formaldehyde in shampoo, toluene sds, sulfuric acid ph, chemicals released during sex, bismuth atomic number,  I highly recommend this updated steel tips as well as cyanide daniel caesar lyrics, hydrogen fluoride lewis structure, bromine atomic mass, scrap metal prices, carboxylic acid molecular weight, beryllium symbol, sulfuric acid sds, phenolic resin,  look at this updated sulfuric acid tips and don't forget phosphates in pool water, steelers schedule, toluene sds, benzoic acid pka, ore of iron meaning, ethylene oxide gas, sulfuric acid formula, chemicals that can kill frogs,  try this top rated benzene blog for ethylene oxide sterilization, phosphates in water, bismuth melting point, ore of iron meaning in hindi, carboxylic acid melting point, sodium carbonate formula, phenol red, hydrogen fluoride intermolecular forces,  Also don't forget this great formaldehyde advice on top of ore of iron example, metals definition, scrap metal near me, nitric acids, sodium chloride, benzoic acid solubility, bromine valence electrons, phenolphthalein,  look at this new bromine tips for chemicals in covid vaccine, scrap metal, bismuth subsalicylate,  not to mention this new toluene details as well as nitric acid charge, acetic acid structure, formaldehyde uses, ethylene oxide gas, ore of iron is known as, chemicals in cigarettes, chemicals synonym, agriculture license,  look at this best scrap metal tips on top of scrap metal pompano beach, toluene solubility in water, phosphates in food, benzoic acid melting point, chemicals in spanish, chloroform smell, chloroform for sale, ethylene oxide in food,  try this updated nitric acids blog for sulfuric acid drain cleaner, alkali metals definition, agriculture definition, sulfuric acid structure, agriculture license, chemicals in covid vaccine, formaldehyde structure, bismuth symbol,  Also don't forget this high rated sulfuric acid details on top of bromine, ore of iron and copper, chloroform formula, carboxylic acid ir spectrum, ammonia levels, toluene molecular weight, acetic acid density, agriculture in a sentence,  look at this updated scrap metal site for scrap metal near me, agriculture in a sentence, acetic acid formula, See More Cool Alkali Metals Info 2e6c28e