Kirjoittaja Aihe: “Ode to Joy 3” has a lower reputation than its predecessor  (Luettu 768 kertaa)

“Ode to Joy 3” has a lower reputation than its predecessor

As one of the hot dramas in the summer, the urban women’s inspirational drama “Ode to Joy 3”, which is currently airing on Dragon TV, has been searched on the frequency, which has generated everyone’s hot discussion. In the drama, five girls with different growth backgrounds and personalities came to the 22nd floor of Joyous Song Community to face various difficulties in life together. These days, the public’s praise of the drama has declined significantly compared to the previous work. The five actors have been questioned due to reasons such as character design, acting skills, and comparison with the “Five Beauties” original, and they are under tremendous pressure. How will the main characters react to this?To get more news about ode to joy 3, you can visit shine news official website.

The character was scolded on the hot search and ready

Shortly after the launch of “Ode to Joy 3” on Dragon TV, topics such as “He Minhong is angry” and “I was killed by He Minhong” became hot searches. Some viewers said that Ef Minhong lived up to his name, “with the heart of the Virgin Mary and compassion for the world, and wanting to stand on moral high ground and punish others without knowing the truth”. For example, Fang Zhiheng, played by Yang Caiyu, had just beaten the perversion over her, and she turned her head and guessed that others might be “nursed”; in addition to secretly mocking her roommate Zhu Zhe in the circle of friends, “the old cucumber paints green paint”, and they lived together on the first day It is also noted: Because of the shared rent, the bathroom is limited, and the time for each person to go to the toilet should not exceed 5 minutes. .. Zhang Huiwen, the actor, said in an interview that she didn’t like this character so much when she got the script at first, but she slowly understood it during the shooting process of “Ho Minhong”. She believes that the audience will continue to watch, and they will see the growth and changes of this girl.

Being scolded repeatedly on the hot search, He Minhong actor Zhang Huiwen already. He mentioned that during the filming, everyone joked that He Minhong would be controversial. “But first of all, I think actors need to take on different roles. They can try to challenge more, and they can’t stop taking them because they’re afraid of being insulted by everyone.” Zhang Huiwen said frankly that he “didn’t like her that much” at first sight when he saw the script, and sometimes he didn’t understand her behavior. “Her character is completely the opposite of that in my life, and I also chatted a lot with the director.” In the end, Zhang Huiwen gave He Minhong a definition of “clumsy”, “Her clumsiness is highlighted by the fact that she sometimes does not understand other people’s dialogues, and she will live in her own world; her simplicity is because that it is very Modest, many of the words are very direct.”

Even if she is not lovable at the moment, Zhang Huiwen said that He Minhong is a very kind girl, “I can’t say recognition, only understanding. The process of my performance is also to understand why she talks like this and communicates with her. people like this. process”. He mentioned that in the later stage of the plot, the audience should understand why He Minhong did this, “She is very simple, because she is so well protected by her parents, she has never experienced beatings in the society, and many things are taken. for granted without taking into account other people’s feelings”. But He Minhong will definitely grow up, which is why Zhang Huiwen decided to play him to begin with.

The new “five beauties” in real life are as good as the previous “five beauties”. Zhang Huiwen mentioned that the five people got along very well in private, “Everyone played very well, and the atmosphere was very pleasant.” But there are some unpleasant scenes and even quarrels in the later period. “I really want to reprimand them, but I really can’t open my mouth, including some very direct words to everyone, which is a little embarrassing for me.”
It will be “riding the wind and the waves” until the end

Jiang Shuying has worked very hard in recent years, and the works she has performed are all big productions with high-quality time and behind-the-scenes teams, and has finally achieved the annual explosion, making it a rare upward trend among Mesozoic actresses. “Ode to Joy 3”, currently airing on Dragon TV, is also “normal” in terms of actors and actresses, but the results are not satisfactory – due to various problems such as script, design character, and the audience of the audience. aesthetic fatigue, the reputation is not as good as the first two films. .

In response to the audience’s debate about the play, as well as comparing and evaluating it with the actresses of the previous work, Jiang Shuying came ready, “I believe not only me, but all the actors will take over a work of. this level of “Ode to Joy 3″. I know the comment, the discussion, and even the doubts and denials this will bring. But isn’t everyone riding the wind and the waves and overcomes obstacles? Isn’t there wind and waves isn’t he riding the wind?”
Feel more like a brother

Yang Caiyu is the former “Three Beauties of Youth”, this time she has transformed into Fang Zhiheng in the new “Ode to Joy”, a mysterious and magical company personnel. Through this role, the audience also sees the other side of Yang Caiyu. Li Haofi, who played Yu Chuhui, previously revealed in an interview that getting along in life made her feel that Yang Caiyu is especially like her “brother”. In this regard, Yang Caiyu also said, “My personality is actually quite boy-like. I have a strong sense of justice and get along more directly with the people around me, so I might feels more like a brother.”



