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Chinese Entertainment”: A Glimpse into the Rich Culture of China

China is a country with a rich cultural heritage that dates back thousands of years. Chinese entertainment is an integral part of this heritage, and it has evolved over time to reflect the changing tastes and preferences of the people.To get more chinese entertainment news, you can visit shine news official website.

Chinese entertainment encompasses a wide range of activities, including music, dance, theater, film, and television. Each of these forms of entertainment has its unique characteristics and has contributed to the development of Chinese culture.

One of the most popular forms of Chinese entertainment is music. Chinese music has a long history that dates back to ancient times. It is characterized by its unique sound and instruments such as the guzheng, pipa, and erhu. Chinese music has evolved over time to include modern genres such as pop, rock, and hip-hop.

Dance is another popular form of Chinese entertainment. Chinese dance is known for its grace and beauty. It is often performed in traditional costumes and accompanied by traditional music. Some popular forms of Chinese dance include the dragon dance, lion dance, and ribbon dance.

Theater is also an essential part of Chinese entertainment. Traditional Chinese theater includes opera, puppetry, and shadow play. These forms of theater have been around for centuries and have been passed down from generation to generation.

Film and television are relatively new forms of Chinese entertainment. However, they have become increasingly popular in recent years. China has a thriving film industry that produces movies in various genres such as action, romance, comedy, and drama.

In conclusion, Chinese entertainment is a reflection of the rich cultural heritage of China. It encompasses a wide range of activities that have evolved over time to reflect the changing tastes and preferences of the people. Whether it’s music, dance, theater, film or television, Chinese entertainment has something for everyone.

How City News Service Keeps Southern California Informed
Southern California is a vast and diverse region that spans four counties: Los Angeles, Orange, Riverside and San Diego. It is home to more than 20 million people, who live in hundreds of cities and towns, each with its own stories and issues. How can the media keep up with the news that matters to this large and complex population? The answer is City News Service (CNS), the nation’s largest regional wire service that provides local news coverage for Southern California 24/71.To get more city news service, you can visit citynewsservice.cn official website.

What is CNS?
CNS is a news agency that gathers and distributes news reports on various topics and events in Southern California, such as public safety, courts, local government, sports, entertainment and weather. CNS serves more than 150 subscribers, including media outlets, private businesses and government offices, who rely on CNS for timely and accurate information. CNS is independent and locally owned, supported by its subscribers and staffed by professional journalists

How does CNS work?
CNS has a team of editors and reporters who work around the clock to report on breaking news and follow-up stories in Southern California. They use various sources and methods to collect news, such as press releases, official records, interviews, observations, scanners, social media, etc. They verify facts and sources before publishing their stories, and they present different perspectives and opinions without bias or favoritism. They deliver their news reports via email, fax or online platforms, such as their website or mobile app. They also provide complete listings of scheduled next-day and next-week news events, such as press conferences, meetings, hearings, trials, etc.

Why is CNS important?
CNS is important because it fills a gap in the news industry that is often overlooked or underserved by other media outlets. CNS focuses on local news that affects the lives of people in Southern California, rather than national or international news that may have less relevance or impact. CNS covers stories that may be too small or too specific for other media outlets to cover, but are still significant or interesting for the local audience. CNS also covers stories that may be too big or too complex for other media outlets to cover comprehensively or quickly, but are still urgent or essential for the public to know

CNS is also important because it influences and impacts the news industry and the public opinion in Southern California. Its news reports are widely used and cited by local and national media outlets, such as newspapers, radio stations, television networks and websites. Its news reports are also followed and trusted by public officials, business leaders, community organizations and ordinary citizens who rely on CNS for information and updates on local issues that matter to them. CNS plays a vital role in informing and educating the public about the events and developments that affect their lives in Southern California

City News Service is a regional wire service that provides local news coverage for Southern California. It has a history of more than 90 years, and it is independent and locally owned. It has a team of professional journalists who work with integrity and excellence. It has a large and diverse clientele who value its service and products. It is a respected and influential source of local news in the region.

Recharge Services for Overseas Chinese: Bridging the Distance
In the age of digital globalization, overseas Chinese have found a way to stay connected with their homeland through recharge services. These services allow them to access digital content and services from China, no matter where they are in the world.To get more news about 海外华人充值, you can visit xiao-haijing.com official website.

The Need for Recharge Services
For many overseas Chinese, staying connected with their homeland is important. Whether it’s watching popular Chinese TV shows, reading news from home, or using Chinese apps and services, these connections help them maintain a sense of cultural identity. However, accessing these services from abroad can be challenging due to payment issues. This is where recharge services come in.

How Recharge Services Work
Recharge services act as a bridge between overseas Chinese and digital platforms in China. They allow users to add funds to their accounts on these platforms using international payment methods. This enables them to purchase digital content or services that would otherwise be inaccessible.

The Benefits of Using Recharge Services
Recharge services offer several benefits. They provide a convenient way for overseas Chinese to access digital content from their homeland. They also eliminate the need for a Chinese bank account or credit card, which many overseas Chinese may not have.

Potential Challenges
While recharge services are undoubtedly beneficial, they also come with potential challenges. These include security concerns, potential fraud, and fluctuating exchange rates. Therefore, it’s important for users to choose reputable recharge service providers.

In conclusion, recharge services play a crucial role in helping overseas Chinese stay connected with their homeland. As the world becomes increasingly digital, these services are likely to become even more important.

TASSELS: A Fashion Accessory with a Long History
Tassels are decorative ornaments that consist of a bunch of loose threads or cords bound at one end and hanging free at the other. They are often used to embellish curtains, clothing, furniture, jewelry, and other items. Tassels can be made of various materials, such as silk, cotton, leather, metal, or beads. They can also come in different shapes, sizes, and colors.To get more news about TASSELS, you can visit higraduation.com official website.

Tassels have a long history that dates back to ancient times. They were originally used as symbols of power, status, and religious affiliation. For example, in ancient Egypt, tassels were worn by pharaohs and priests as a sign of their authority1. In ancient Rome, tassels were attached to the togas of magistrates and senators as a mark of their rank. In ancient China, tassels were used to adorn the hats and robes of officials and scholars as a way of indicating their level of educationHONNOUR CORDS: A Symbol of Academic Excellence and Recognition
HONNOUR CORDS are twisted cords with tassels on either end that are worn by graduates who have achieved certain academic honors or distinctions. They are usually worn around the neck over the graduation gown, and they come in different colors and combinations to represent different achievements, awards, or affiliations1.

HONNOUR CORDS have a long and rich history that dates back to ancient times. They were originally used as symbols of power, status, and authority by various civilizations, such as the Egyptians, Romans, and Chinese2. They were also used as religious tokens by some faiths, such as Judaism and Islam3. In the Middle Ages, HONNOUR CORDS were adopted by universities and colleges as a way of distinguishing the academic ranks and degrees of scholars and professors4.

Today, HONNOUR CORDS are widely used by high schools, colleges, and universities around the world to honor their outstanding graduates. They are also used by various honor societies, clubs, organizations, and associations to recognize their members for their academic achievements or contributions. Some examples of HONNOUR CORDS are:

HONNOUR CORDS are more than just decorative accessories. They are a way of celebrating one’s academic achievements and personal merits. They are also a way of showing one’s pride and gratitude for one’s school, society, club, organization, or association. HONNOUR CORDS are a symbol of academic excellence and recognition that can inspire others to pursue their goals and dreams..

Tassels also have cultural and religious significance in some regions of the world. For instance, in Judaism, tassels are called tzitzit and are attached to the four corners of a prayer shawl called a tallit. They represent the 613 commandments of the Torah and serve as a reminder to follow God’s laws4. In Islam, tassels are called khirqah and are worn by Sufi mystics as a symbol of their devotion to God and their spiritual lineage5. In Tibet, tassels are called dorje and are used as a ritual object in Buddhism. They represent the thunderbolt of enlightenment and the compassion of the Buddha.

Tassels have also become a popular fashion accessory in modern times. They can add a touch of elegance, fun, or flair to any outfit or item. They can be found on earrings, necklaces, bracelets, scarves, bags, shoes, hats, and more. They can also be used to create unique and colorful garlands, banners, or wall hangings for parties or home decor. Tassels can be easily made at home with some simple materials and tools, or they can be purchased online or in stores.

Tassels are more than just ornaments. They are a way of expressing one’s personality, style, or mood. They are also a way of connecting with one’s heritage, culture, or faith. Tassels are a versatile and creative accessory that can enhance any look or occasion.

2D Drafting: What is it and How to Do it
2D drafting, also known as 2D drawing or 2D design, is a process of creating and editing technical drawings using a computer. 2D drafting is widely used in various fields, such as engineering, architecture, manufacturing, animation, etc. 2D drafting can help you to communicate your ideas, concepts, and specifications clearly and accurately.To get more news about 2d drafting, you can visit shine news official website.

In this article, we will introduce you to the basics of 2D drafting, such as what it is, why it is important, what tools you need, and how to do it.
What is 2D Drafting?
2D drafting is a way of representing a 3D object or scene on a 2D plane, such as a paper or a screen. 2D drafting uses geometric shapes, such as lines, circles, arcs, polygons, etc., to define the contours and dimensions of the object or scene. 2D drafting also uses symbols, annotations, text, colors, hatches, etc., to add details and information to the drawing.

There are two main types of 2D drafting: orthographic projection and isometric projection.

Orthographic projection1 is a method of showing a 3D object or scene from different views, such as front, top, side, etc. Each view shows only one face or plane of the object or scene, and the views are aligned along the same axes. Orthographic projection is commonly used for engineering and architectural drawings, as it shows the true shape and size of the object or scene.
Isometric projection2 is a method of showing a 3D object or scene from a single view, usually at an angle of 30 degrees from the horizontal. The view shows three faces or planes of the object or scene at the same time, but the distances and angles are distorted. Isometric projection is commonly used for illustrative and conceptual drawings, as it shows the overall appearance and orientation of the object or scene.
Why is 2D Drafting Important?
2D drafting is important for several reasons:

It helps you to visualize your ideas: 2D drafting allows you to create a visual representation of your ideas before you implement them in reality. You can use 2D drafting to sketch out your concepts, explore different options, and refine your designs.
It helps you to communicate your designs: 2D drafting allows you to share your designs with others in a clear and concise way. You can use 2D drafting to convey your specifications, requirements, instructions, and feedback to your clients, colleagues, contractors, etc.
It helps you to document your work: 2D drafting allows you to record your work in a standardized and organized way. You can use 2D drafting to create drawings that comply with industry standards and regulations. You can also use 2D drafting to archive your work for future reference and modification.
What Tools Do You Need for 2D Drafting?
To do 2D drafting effectively and efficiently, you need some tools that can help you create and edit your drawings. There are two main types of tools that you can use for 2D drafting: hardware and software.

Hardware refers to the physical devices that you use to input and output your drawings. Hardware includes devices such as computers, monitors, keyboards, mice, tablets, printers, scanners, etc. You should choose hardware that meets your needs and preferences in terms of performance, quality, compatibility, portability, etc.
Software refers to the programs that you use to create and edit your drawings. Software includes programs such as CAD software3, drawing software4, image editing software, etc. You should choose software that suits your needs and preferences in terms of features, capabilities, usability,

Liu Jingyao: The Chinese Student Who Sued JD.com Founder for Rape

Liu Jingyao, a 25-year-old Chinese student at the University of Minnesota, made headlines in 2019 when she filed a civil lawsuit against Richard Liu, the founder and former CEO of JD.com, one of China's largest e-commerce companies. She accused him of raping her in her apartment after a dinner party in August 2018, when he was visiting the university as part of a doctoral program for wealthy Chinese entrepreneurs. The case sparked a heated debate on social media and in the public sphere, as millions of Chinese netizens followed the developments and expressed their opinions on the allegations, the evidence, and the legal system.To get more news about liu jingyao, you can visit shine news official website.

## The Background of the Case

Liu Jingyao was invited to attend a networking dinner on August 30, 2018, by Hai Tao Cui, an assistant professor at the Carlson School of Management and a former faculty member at the Cheung Kong Graduate School of Business, where Richard Liu was enrolled as a doctoral student. Cui told Liu Jingyao that she could meet influential Chinese businessmen and benefit from volunteering for the program. Liu Jingyao agreed to join the dinner, which was held at a Japanese restaurant in Minneapolis.

At the dinner, Liu Jingyao said she was pressured to drink excessive amounts of alcohol by Richard Liu and other guests. She said he physically forced himself on her while they were travelling in a car and she was too intoxicated to resist. She said he then raped her in her apartment, despite her repeated attempts to stop him. She reported the incident to the police the next day and underwent a sexual assault examination at a hospital.

Richard Liu was arrested on August 31, 2018, on suspicion of felony rape. He was released without bail the following day and returned to China. He denied any wrongdoing and said the encounter was consensual. He also said he had cooperated with the police investigation and provided evidence to prove his innocence.

## The Outcome of the Case

In December 2018, the Hennepin County Attorney's Office announced that it would not file criminal charges against Richard Liu, citing insufficient evidence to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that he had committed rape. The office said it had reviewed surveillance videos, text messages, police reports, witness statements, and forensic results before making its decision. It also said it had consulted with four experienced sexual assault prosecutors before reaching its conclusion.

In April 2019, Liu Jingyao filed a civil lawsuit against Richard Liu, seeking at least $50,000 in damages for sexual assault and battery, false imprisonment, and intentional infliction of emotional distress. She also sued JD.com for vicarious liability, alleging that the company had failed to prevent or stop Richard Liu's misconduct. She said she had suffered physical injuries, psychological trauma, and reputational harm as a result of the rape.

In June 2021, a public hearing was held in Minneapolis, where Liu Jingyao testified in person and faced cross-examination by Richard Liu's lawyers. She said she had been harassed and threatened by online trolls and supporters of Richard Liu since she came forward with her allegations. She also said she had been diagnosed with post-traumatic stress disorder and depression and had dropped out of school due to the stress.

In October 2021, on the eve of the scheduled trial, both parties announced that they had reached a settlement and agreed to drop their claims. The terms of the settlement were not disclosed to the public. A joint statement issued by their lawyers said that the incident had resulted from a misunderstanding that had consumed substantial public attention and brought profound suffering to both parties and their families. It also said that both parties had decided to set aside their differences and end their legal dispute to avoid further pain and suffering.

## The Impact of the Case

The case of Liu Jingyao and Richard Liu was one of the most high-profile and controversial cases involving sexual assault allegations against a powerful Chinese businessman in recent years. It drew attention to the challenges and obstacles faced by victims of sexual violence in China and abroad, especially when they accuse influential figures with money and connections.

The case also highlighted the differences between the legal systems and cultures of China and the US, as well as the role of social media and public opinion in shaping the narrative and outcome of such cases. The case generated polarized reactions from Chinese netizens, who either supported or criticized Liu Jingyao for her courage or motives. Some praised her for standing up for her rights and seeking justice, while others accused her of lying or extorting money from Richard Liu.

The case also inspired some creative works and products, such as songs, videos, comics, stickers, T-shirts, and more. Some netizens even created a fictional religion based on YYDS, a popular internet slang that means "eternal god" or "the best ever", which was originally used to praise Richard Liu for his business achievements.

Shanghai City Service: A Reliable Platform for Expatriates
Shanghai is one of the most populous and vibrant cities in the world, with a rich history and a modern outlook. It is a global hub of commerce, finance, technology, and culture, attracting millions of visitors every year. However, living and working in Shanghai can also pose some challenges and difficulties for expatriates, especially in terms of language, culture, and legal issues. How can expatriates find reliable and convenient information and services in Shanghai? The answer is Shanghai City Service.To get more city news service, you can visit citynewsservice.cn official website.

Shanghai City Service is a platform that provides official information and city services for foreigners in Shanghai and China1. It is a joint project of the Shanghai Municipal Government, the Shanghai Foreign Affairs Office, and the Shanghai Information Office. It aims to help expatriates adapt to the local environment, access various resources, and enjoy their life in Shanghai.

Shanghai City Service consists of four main sections: News, Events, Service, and Government Agencies. Each section offers different types of information and services for expatriates.

The News section covers the latest and breaking news about Shanghai and China, as well as topics related to culture, business, policy, and society. The news articles are written in English and updated regularly. Expatriates can also subscribe to the newsletter or follow the social media accounts of Shanghai City Service to stay informed.

The Events section showcases the upcoming and past events in Shanghai, such as stage performances, community activities, exhibitions, and festivals. Expatriates can browse the event calendar, check the details, and book tickets online. They can also participate in some of the events organized by Shanghai City Service, such as the City News Elite 10K Race or the Dove Exhibition.

The Service section provides various services for expatriates, such as health and wellness, education, dining, travel and sightseeing, tax, business, buy and sell, and more. Expatriates can find useful information, tips, guides, directories, and links to relevant websites or agencies. They can also submit their questions or feedback online or contact the customer service hotline.

Government Agencies
The Government Agencies section introduces the main government agencies that are responsible for foreign affairs in Shanghai and China. Expatriates can learn about their functions, policies, regulations, procedures, and contact information. They can also access some online services provided by these agencies, such as visa application, work permit inquiry, residence registration, health check appointment, business registration, and more.

Shanghai City Service is a reliable platform for expatriates seeking official information and city services in Shanghai and China. It is a convenient hub for accessing latest news and local service information in one place. It is also a bridge for communication and cooperation between expatriates and the local government. With Shanghai City Service, expatriates can enjoy their life in Shanghai with ease and confidence.

The Impact of TikTok Recharge on the Platform’s Ecosystem
TikTok, a social media platform that originated in China as Douyin, has taken the world by storm with its unique short-form video content. One of the features that sets TikTok apart from other platforms is its recharge feature, which allows users to purchase virtual coins. This article explores how this feature impacts the platform’s ecosystem in the United States.To get more news about 抖音官网充值, you can visit xiao-haijing.com official website.

Boosting Creator Engagement
The primary use of TikTok coins is to tip creators for their content. This has led to a significant increase in creator engagement on the platform. Creators are motivated to produce high-quality content, knowing that there is a direct way for their followers to show appreciation for their work.

Enhancing User Experience
For users, the ability to purchase coins adds another layer of interaction with the platform and its creators. By tipping their favorite creators, users can feel a stronger connection and sense of community. This enhances the overall user experience and encourages users to spend more time on the platform.

Driving Revenue Growth
From a business perspective, the recharge feature is a significant revenue driver for TikTok. While the app is free to download and use, the sale of coins provides a steady stream of income. This revenue helps support the continued development and maintenance of the app.

In conclusion, TikTok’s recharge feature has a profound impact on the platform’s ecosystem in the United States. It boosts creator engagement, enhances user experience, and drives revenue growth. As TikTok continues to evolve and grow, it will be interesting to see how this feature continues to shape the platform.

The Role and Impact of Universities

Universities, from the Latin 'universitas', meaning 'a whole', are institutions of higher education and research which award academic degrees in several academic disciplines. They typically offer both undergraduate and postgraduate programs. In the United States, the designation is reserved for colleges that have a graduate school.To get more news about UNIVERSITY, you can visit higraduation.com official website.

The first universities in Europe were established by Catholic Church monks. The University of Bologna in Italy, founded in 1088, is considered the world's oldest university in continuous operation. The original Latin word 'universitas' referred to degree-awarding institutions of learning in Western and Central Europe.
Universities play a crucial role in society. They are centers of knowledge, providing education to students and conducting research in various fields. They contribute to the advancement of society through the creation and dissemination of new knowledge, fostering innovation, and promoting cultural and social development.

In addition to their academic roles, universities also have a significant economic impact. They create jobs, attract investment, and contribute to regional development. For instance, The University of Utah achieved a historic $768 million in research funding, demonstrating the significant economic role that universities can play.

Universities also serve as platforms for social interaction and personal growth. They bring together people from diverse backgrounds, fostering an environment of mutual learning and respect. Students learn not just from their professors but also from their peers.

Moreover, universities help shape future leaders. They provide students with opportunities to engage in leadership roles through student organizations, sports teams, and community service.

In conclusion, universities are more than just institutions that confer degrees. They are vital for societal development, economic growth, and the promotion of cultural diversity. They shape the minds of future leaders and drive innovation and progress.

Leveraging CAD in Design: A New Era of Creativity

Computer-Aided Design (CAD) has revolutionized the field of design, bringing about a new era of creativity and precision. CAD software allows designers to create detailed, three-dimensional objects, complete with information about materials, processes, tolerances, and dimensions.To get more news about designer cad, you can visit shine news official website.

The Power of CAD

CAD is an essential tool in many industries, including architecture, engineering, product design, and more. It allows designers to visualize their ideas in a way that was previously impossible. With CAD, you can see your design from any angle, zoom in for a close-up view of intricate details, and even see how different parts fit together.
Enhancing Creativity

One of the most significant benefits of CAD is its ability to enhance creativity. Designers can experiment with different shapes, sizes, and materials without the need for physical prototypes. This freedom to experiment can lead to more innovative designs and can significantly speed up the design process.

Precision and Accuracy

CAD also offers unparalleled precision and accuracy. Designers can input exact measurements and specifications into the software, ensuring that the final product is exactly as envisioned. This level of precision is particularly important in industries such as aerospace or automotive, where even the smallest error can have significant consequences.

Collaboration and Communication

Finally, CAD facilitates collaboration and communication among teams. Design files can be easily shared and viewed by multiple people, making it easier for teams to work together on complex projects. Additionally, 3D models created with CAD can be used to communicate designs to clients or stakeholders in a clear and visually appealing way.

In conclusion, CAD has transformed the field of design, offering new levels of creativity, precision, and collaboration. As technology continues to advance, it's exciting to imagine what the future holds for CAD and design.

Lin Felton: The Graffiti Legend Known as QUIK
In the world of graffiti art, few names resonate as powerfully as Lin Felton, also known by his tag, QUIK1. A living legend from the old school graffiti art movement, Felton’s work has been instrumental in shaping the landscape of street art.To get more news about lin graffiti, you can visit shine news official website.

Born and raised in New York, Felton began his journey in the early 1970s. His tag, QUIK, became a common sight on the trains of New York City. His vibrant pieces were not just mere acts of rebellion, but a form of self-expression and a commentary on the socio-political climate of the time.

In the 1980s, Felton transitioned from painting trains to canvases. His work began to gain recognition in the art world, leading to exhibitions around the globe. Despite this shift, Felton’s art retained its raw energy and edginess, a testament to his roots in the streets of New York.

Felton’s work is characterized by bold colors and dynamic compositions. His pieces often feature cartoon-like characters interwoven with intricate lettering. This unique style sets Felton’s work apart and cements his status as a pioneer in the graffiti art movement.

Today, Felton’s work can be found in galleries and private collections worldwide. His journey from the trains of New York to international acclaim is a powerful narrative of perseverance and passion. It serves as an inspiration for aspiring artists and a reminder of graffiti’s transformative power.

In conclusion, Lin Felton’s contribution to graffiti art is immeasurable. His work continues to inspire and influence artists around the world. As we look at his journey, we are reminded that art is not just about creating beautiful images but also about making powerful statements and challenging norms.

Shanghai City Service: A Comprehensive Guide for Expatriates
Shanghai, the largest city in China, is not only a global financial hub but also a popular destination for expatriates. To cater to the needs of these international residents, the city offers a wide range of services.To get more city news service, you can visit citynewsservice.cn official website.

The Shanghai City Service is a reliable platform that provides official information and city services for foreigners living in Shanghai and China. It serves as a convenient hub for accessing the latest news and local service information, such as health, wellness, housing, and education.

One of the key features of the Shanghai City Service is its commitment to keeping residents informed about local events. For instance, it recently highlighted an event called ‘Shanghai Let’s Meet’, which saw international tennis masters participating. It also reported on the historical Yangshupu Power Plant being in the urban space art season spotlight, showcasing Shanghai’s rich cultural heritage.

In addition to news updates, the Shanghai City Service also provides practical resources for new residents. These include progress queries for foreigners’ work permit in China, views on foreigners’ online application status, overseas personnel residence registration, and more2. These services are designed to make the transition smoother for foreigners moving to Shanghai.

Moreover, it’s not just about news and services. The platform also hosts various events for mental and physical wellbeing. For example, Xuhui recently hosted a week of events promoting mental health.

In conclusion, whether you’re a foreigner planning to move to Shanghai or already living there, the Shanghai City Service is your one-stop solution for all your needs. From breaking news to local services - it has got you covered.

Cap & Mortarboards: The Quintessential Symbols of Academic Achievement
The sight of a sea of caps and mortarboards being tossed into the air is a universal symbol of academic achievement and success. These iconic headpieces, worn by graduates worldwide, have a rich history and carry significant meaning.To get more news about CAP & MORTARBOARDS, you can visit higraduation.com official website.

The tradition of wearing caps and mortarboards dates back to the 4th and 5th centuries. The term ‘mortarboard’ is derived from its resemblance to the tool used by masons to hold mortar, with its flat square board and a fabric-covered ‘handle’ known as the button on top.
The cap, or mortarboard, is typically black and has a stiff, flat square board attached to the skullcap. Hanging from the button in one corner of the board is a tassel. The tassel’s color usually represents the graduate’s field of study or the school’s colors.

The act of moving the tassel from one side of the cap to the other during the graduation ceremony – typically from right to left – is known as ‘turning of the tassel’. This act symbolizes the individual’s transition from candidate to graduate.

Caps and mortarboards are not just symbols of personal achievement. They represent a connection to a tradition of scholarship and learning that spans centuries. When graduates don their caps and gowns, they are joining the ranks of millions who have celebrated their academic achievements in this way.

In recent years, it has become popular for graduates to decorate their caps with art, quotes, or messages. This allows graduates to express their individuality and commemorate their unique journey through their education.

Despite changes in fashion and trends over the centuries, the cap and mortarboard have remained relatively unchanged. They are a testament to the enduring value we place on education and academic achievement.

In conclusion, while caps and mortarboards may seem like simple accessories, they hold deep significance. They are symbols of hard work, dedication, and achievement. So, when you see graduates tossing their caps into the air, remember that it’s not just about celebrating an end. It’s also about celebrating countless hours of study, years of perseverance, and a lifetime of knowledge.

Google Play Recharge: A Comprehensive Guide
Google Play is a digital distribution service operated and developed by Google. It serves as the official app store for certified devices running on the Android operating system, allowing users to browse and download applications developed with the Android software development kit (SDK) and published through Google.To get more news about google play代充, you can visit xiao-haijing.com official website.

One of the key features of Google Play is the ability to recharge or add credit to your account, which can then be used to purchase apps, games, music, movies, books, and more. This process is known as Google Play Recharge.

How Does Google Play Recharge Work?
Google Play Recharge allows users to add funds to their Google Play balance. Users can use these funds to make purchases on the Google Play Store. The process is simple and straightforward. Users can choose from various payment methods such as credit or debit cards, net banking, and digital wallets.

Benefits of Google Play Recharge
There are several benefits to using Google Play Recharge. Firstly, it provides a convenient way for users to make purchases without having to enter their payment details each time. Secondly, it allows users to set a budget for their spending on the platform. Lastly, it can also be a great gift option for friends and family who enjoy using digital services.

How to Use Google Play Recharge
To use Google Play Recharge, follow these steps:

Open the Google Play Store app on your device.
Tap on the menu icon and select “Payment methods.”
Select “Google Play balance” and then “Add credit.”
Enter the amount you want to add and select your payment method.
Follow the prompts to complete your transaction.
Google Play Recharge offers a convenient and secure way for users to enjoy all the content that the Google Play Store has to offer. Whether you’re an avid gamer, a music lover, or a bookworm, Google Play Recharge can enhance your digital experience.

CAD and CAM Software: Revolutionizing Manufacturing
In the world of manufacturing, two types of software have become indispensable tools: Computer-Aided Design (CAD) and Computer-Aided Manufacturing (CAM). These powerful technologies have transformed the way we design and produce goods, bringing unprecedented precision, efficiency, and innovation to the manufacturing industry.To get more news about cad and cam software, you can visit shine news official website.

The Power of CAD
CAD software allows engineers and designers to create detailed D models of parts and assemblies. These models can be easily modified and optimized, making the design process more flexible and efficient. Furthermore, CAD software offers a level of precision that is impossible to achieve with traditional drafting methods.
From Design to Production with CAM
Once a part has been designed with CAD software, CAM software takes over. CAM uses the D model to generate a series of instructions that guide computer-controlled manufacturing equipment, such as CNC machines or D printers. This seamless integration between design and production reduces errors and streamlines the manufacturing process.

Precision and Efficiency
The combination of CAD and CAM brings unprecedented precision and efficiency to the manufacturing process. Designs can be tested and optimized digitally before they are produced, reducing waste and saving time. Furthermore, the automated nature of CAM reduces the risk of human error in the production process.

Innovation in Design
CAD and CAM also open up new possibilities for innovation. Complex geometries that would be impossible to produce with traditional manufacturing methods can be easily created with CAD and produced with CAM. This capability allows manufacturers to push the boundaries of what is possible in terms of design.

The Future of Manufacturing
As CAD and CAM technologies continue to evolve, we can expect them to play an even more significant role in the future of manufacturing. Advances in artificial intelligence and machine learning could lead to even more sophisticated design and production capabilities. Furthermore, as more industries adopt these technologies, we can expect to see a greater variety of innovative products on the market.

In conclusion, CAD and CAM software have revolutionized the manufacturing industry. By bridging the gap between design and production, these technologies have brought a new level of precision, efficiency, and innovation to the manufacturing process. As these technologies continue to evolve, we can look forward to an even more exciting future for manufacturing.

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