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Что происходит с рынком EdTech и стоит ли в него инвестировать?

  Инвестиции в EdTech выросли в 4 раза с 2014 по 2019 гг. с $8,8 до $34,5 млрд. Поэтому здесь представлены 3 перспективных компаний из этой сферы.To get more news about рынок образования, you can visit wikifx.com official website.
Конечно, поисковик Mail почти на последнем месте и все же непонятно как ещё живы «Одноклассники», но EdTech-направление компании заслуживает внимания. Тем более, что выручка этого сегмента за 1-й квартал 2021 выросла в 2,9 раз до ₽2,2 млрд по сравнению с этим же периодом в 2020.
  Mail принадлежат Skillbox и GeekBrains. Аудитория этих двух платформ за год выросла в 2,2 раза до 782 тыс. пользователей, из которых 215 тыс. учатся платно. Также у компании есть сервисы «Учи.ру» и «Сферум».
  Mail укрепляет свои позиции на рынке образования. Но пока что работает в убыток. О чем говорит отрицательный мультипликатор P/E.
  American Public Education
  Вряд ли вы часто слышите про APE или учились там. Это американский онлайн-университет с более 100 тыс. студентов по всему миру. В APE можно стать медиком, юристом, специалистом по национальной безопасности.
  По мультипликаторам компания оценена адекватно. За 1-й квартал 2021 года выручка выросла на 18,65% ($74,62 млн → $88,54 млн). Чистая прибыль выросла на 235,12% ($2,42 млн → $8,11 млн)
  Но не все так гладко. До пандемии выручка и чистая прибыль APE падали. Если компания не зафиксирует преимущество, полученное в пандемию, то показатели могут уйти вниз.
  Этот сервис в первую очередь работает с младшими и средними школьников в США. Например, предлагает в аренду ПК с предустановленными курсами. В последние годы Stride развивает обучение для взрослых. К этому компанию тоже подтолкнул коронавирус.
  По мультипликаторам у Stride всё в порядке. Выручка компании растёт с 2017 года. За 1-й квартал 2021 года она увеличилась на 52,5% ($257,15 млн → $392,15 млн). Чистая прибыль выросла на 171,89% ( $8,75 млн → $23,79 млн).
  Инвестиции в EdTech
  Сфера только набирает обороты, поэтому инвестировать лучше с горизонтом 5-15 лет. В ближайшие годы нас ждёт бум новых компаний в России и за рубежом, но не все из них останутся на плаву. Получится у тех, кто или заручится поддержкой государства и будет работать с вузами как монополист, или разработает удобную экосистему с упором на мобильные устройства.

Avoiding These Signals Is to Avoid Losses!

As for the competence in forex trading, being professional in one to two techniques is better than being a Jack of all trades, and protecting yourself from unprofitable signals is superior to finding trading signals everywhere. Therefore, WikiFX has summarized signals leading you to failure herein for your reference!To get more news about RSI, you can visit wikifx.com official website.
  Reversal signals of RSI
  Many traders prefer to use the relative strength index (RSI) for operating reversed transactions as it is relatively simple. They believe that RSI will see trend reversals instantly when it reaches the peak or the trough. This is true under the context of horizontal price movement or resistance/support levels whereas RSI cannot display the price momentum immediately in face of a trending market or breaking news as its signals are most reliable when they conform to the long-term trend. As such, adding positions all the time will trigger hefty losses!
  Reversal signals of hanging man candles and inverted hammer candles
  When trading is based on reversal signals, including hanging man candles and inverted hammer candles, traders should wait for the horizontal price movement to choose appropriate levels for entry instead of trading against the trend.
  Insider bar with shadow
  If the insider bar forms at the resistance level, the overlong lower shadow should be avoided, which is indicative of the existing upward momentum. Similarly, the insider bar formed at the support level should avoid the upper shadow being too long.
  Bollinger Bands lying close together
  Traders are well recommended to stop trading under this circumstance that is an indication of a deadlock between long positions and short ones, or the reduction of trading volumes, which may be followed by changes in the price action. Please wait and see or find more lucrative markets to trade.
  Download WikiFX to get lessons from experts who have traded forex for over 20 years. (bit.ly/wikifxIN)

Characteristics Beneficial to Obtaining Long-term Profits!

Some people consider themselves smart cookies, believing that they can succeed in the forex market as they did in workplaces. Unfortunately, it is not the case. Instead of challenging competence, forex trading is a test of personalities. Therefore, the characteristics presented herein are conducive to making money in the long run.To get more news about Forex Trading Tips , you can visit wikifx.com official website.
  1. Be cool-headed when observing the market
  Being calm is of paramount importance! Please keep your emotions immune to rises and falls. Youd better make a plan before your entries, fully follow it amid your transactions and wait for opportunities calmly.
  2. Be alert to the gamblers fallacy
  It is necessary to stop trading in face of unexpected volatility in an ever-changing market. Please equip yourself with a long-term view as losses are transient.
  3. Be patient
  Some traders think they can trade at any time because they have seen various technical indicators, thus making themselves impatient for favorable trading signals. This conduct will lead them to losses.
  4. Be decisive
  Hesitation can do nothing but let you miss the perfect timing of trade! Hence, please place orders decisively when trading signals occur.
  5. Learn lessons from others
  People who are confident about their intelligence cannot enjoy long-term profits. They tend to ignore the experiences of others because they are prone to overconfidence due to their competence in other fields. However, your life will be easier if you stand on the shoulders of experienced traders.
  Download WikiFX to get lessons from experts who have traded forex for over 20 years. (bit.ly/wikifxIN)

Ne voulez-vous pas perdre ? Ne tradez plus donc ces signaux !

Pour bien apprendre le trading Forex, on préfère de maîtriser une ou deux techniques que d‘essayer d’obtenir des techniques partout, et ainsi, mieux vaut éviter des signaux indisponibles au lieu d‘en chercher partout. Aujourd’hui, nous vous expliquerons dans cette article quels signaux qui ne sont pas possible à trader.To get more news about Bandes de Bollinger, you can visit wikifx.com official website.
  RSI : Un signal de contre-tendance
  L‘indicateur RSI est plutôt simple, et c’est pourquoi de nombreux gens aiment à trader la contre-tendance en utilisant le RSI : Ils pensent que lorsque le RSI atteint le plus haut ou bas niveau, il est certain que le cours s‘inversera, ce qui est correct lors des fluctuations ou lorsque le prix arrive sur une résistance ou un support. Cependant, en cas des tendances ou des nouvelles importantes, un phénomène sévère nommé la “régression d’activité du RSI” apparaît. Dans ce cas, vous risquerez de grosses pertes si vous continuez à ajouter des positions.
  Marteaux ou pendus de contre-tendance
  Lors des martaux ou pendus qui signifient l‘attente de signaux d’inversion, ne tradez jamais contre la tendance. Au contraire, il vous faudra choisir une bonne position à entrer lors des fluctuations.
  Inside bars avec ombres
  Si un inside bar sont créés sur la résistance, il vous faudra éviter des ombres basses trop longues, qui signifient qu‘il restera une puissance haussière. Similairement, il vous faudra également éviter des ombres hautes trop longues lors d’un inside bar sur le support.
  Resserrement des bandes de Bollinger
  Lorsque les bandes de Bollinger se resserrent trop, mieux vaudra arrêter le trading, car le resserrement des bandes signifie la stagnation continue des forces acheteur/vendeur ou le rétrécissement du volume de trading, et que la direction de mouvement des prix serait susceptible dêtre prochainement modifiée à tout moment. A ce moment-là, il vous faudra observer plus ou envisager meilleures transactions des cours.
  Toutes les expériences réelles des traders professionnels pendant 20 ans, se trouvent dans l'APP WikiFX ! Cliquez ici pour télécharger : https://cutt.ly/WikiFXfr (Android) /https://bit.ly/wikifxFRiOS (iOS).


  投稿を確認すると、【出金できない】だけは42件があります。IPから投稿者の地域はバングラデシュ、タイ、中国、メキシコ、アメリカ、台湾、ドイツ、シンガポール、マレーシアになっています。日本からの投稿はありません。To get more news about Oanda, you can visit wikifx.com official website.

  URL: https://www.hk-oanda.com

  さらに日本金融庁のウェブサイトもWikiFXが確認しました。Oanda Japan社は金融庁に登録済み為替取引専門業者で、登録番号は日本関東財務局長(金商)第2137号です。

Pemerintah Resmi Bebaskan PPN atas Emas Granula

  Pemerintah resmi membebaskan pungutan pajak pertambahan nilai (PPN) atas emas granula. Tujuannya, untuk mendorong pembangunan nasional dengan membatu ketersediaan emas granula sebab merupakan barang yang bersifat strategis.To get more news about Ekonomi Indonesia, you can visit wikifx.com official website.
Kebijakan tersebut tertuang dalam Peraturan Pemerintah (PP) Nomor 70 Tahun 2021 tentang Penyerahan Barang Kena Pajak yang Bersifat Strategis yang Tidak Dipungut Pajak Pertambahan Nilai. Belied ini ditandatangani Presiden RI Joko Widodo pada 28 Juni 2021, dengan masa berlaku per tanggal 28 Juli 2021.
  Pemerintah berhadap dengan diundangkannya beleid tersebut dapat meningkatkan daya saing industri emas batangan dan emas perhiasan dalam negeri karena emas granula merupakan bahan baku utama.
  “Tanpa kemudahan PPN tidak dipungut atas emas granula, industri emas batangan dan emas perhiasan lebih memilih untuk melakukan impor atas emas batangan karena atas impor emas batangan tidak dikenakan PPN,” demikian bagian penejelasan PP 70/2021.
  Adapun Pasal 1 ayat 2 menjelaskan, emas granula merupakan emas berbentuk butiran dengan kentuan memiliki ukuran diameter paling tinggi 7 milimeter. Kemudian memiliki kadar kemurnian 99,99% berdasarkan hasil uji menggunakan metode uji sesuai Standar Nasional Indonesia (SNI) atau terakreditasi London Bullion Market Association Good Delivery.
  Emas granula merupakan hasil produksi dan diserahkan oleh pemegang kontrak karya, pemegang izin usaha pertambangan, pemegang izin usaha pertambangan khusus, atau pemegang izin pertambangan rakyat kepada pengusaha yang memproses lebih lanjut untuk menghasilkan produk utama berupa emas batangan dan/atau emas perhiasan.
  Namun demikian, apabila pengusaha kena pajak yang memproduksi emas granula memindahtangankan barang kena pajak itu, kepada pihak lain baik sebagian atau seluruhnya, wajib membayar PPN dan tidak dapat dikreditkan.
  Pembayaran PPN tersebut dilakukan paling lama satu bulan sejak emas granula tersebut dipindahtangankan. Jika melawati batas waktu itu, maka dikenakan sanksi administrasi.
  Hanya saja, kewajiban pembayaran PPN atas pengusaja kena pajak yang memindahtangankan emas granula bisa digugurkan, bila pemindahtanganan dilakukan dalam keadaan kahar.
  Sebagai informasi, beleid ini merupakan pembaruan atas aturan sebelumnya yakni PP Nomor 106 Tahun 2015. Sebab, aturan terdahulu mengatur hanya anode slime yang mendapatkan fasilitas PPN tersebut.
  Selain itu, dasar hukum diterbitkannnya PP 70/2021 yakni pasca diundangkannya Undang-Undang (UU) Nomor 11 Tahun 2020 tentang Cipta Kerja yang juga memasukan klausul penyerahan barang kena pajak tertentu yang besifat strategis untuk tidak dipungun PPN.
  Setali tiga uang, dengan diterbitkannya PP 70/2021, barang kena pajak bersifat strategis yang dikecualikan dari PPN yakni anode slime dan emas granula.
  Tujuan dari beleid ini adalah untuk mendorong pembangunan nasional dengan membatu ketersediaan emas granula sebab merupakan barang yang bersifat strategis.
  “Pemberian kemudahan ini dalam rangka meningkatkan daya saing industri emas batangan dan emas perhiasan dalam negeri karena anode slime dan emas granula termasuk bahan baku utama pembuatan emas batangan dan emas perhiasan,” sebagaimana dikutip dari penjelasan PP 70/2021.
  Dalam PP tersebut, pemerintah menyebut tanpa kemudahan pajak PPN atas emas granula, industri emas batangan dan emas perhiasan lebih memilih untuk melakukan impor emas batangan. Hal ini karena impor emas batangan tidak dikenakan pajak pertambahan nilai.
  Sementara itu, penghasil emas granula lebih memilih untuk melakukan ekspor agar pajak masukan dapat dikreditkan. Penghasil emas granula juga kesulitan untuk menjual emas granula di dalam negeri akibat masih dikenakan PPN.
  Dengan adanya kebijakan tersebut, tentu dapat memberikan ruang bagi emiten emas dalam beroperasi. Hal ini seiring dengan rendahnya biaya produksi.
  Untuk diketahui, sejumlah emiten masih melakukan pembelian bahan baku logam mulia dari pihak ketiga, salah satunya PT Aneka Tambang Tbk (ANTM). Sebagaimana tercantum dalam laporan keuangan, ANTM membukukan biaya pembelian logam mulia senilai Rp 5,69 triliun. Jumlah ini porsinya 76% dari total beban pokok penjualan ANTM.


Lần tiên khi nghe về Forex, tôi đã nghĩ rằng giao dịch Forex là phải đọc đủ thứ từ tin tức, đường chỉ báo kỹ thuật, thị trường và hàng trăm thứ abcxyz khác. Do đó, tôi phải chiến đấu cả ngày lẫn đêm, phải quan sát thị trường mọi lúc mọi nơi…To get more news about kinh nghiệm đầu tư forex, you can visit wikifx.com official website.
  Và khi tham gia đầu tư Forex, tôi luôn cho rằng: khi tôi giao dịch mất tiền là do chiến thuật và phương pháp của tôi không đúng. Tôi luôn tìm một phương pháp giao dịch có thể áp dụng cho tất cả giao dịch của mình, thêm vào đó rất nhiều chỉ báo kỹ thuật để yên tâm hơn.
  Điều này lâu dần ảnh hưởng trực tiếp đến tâm lý lẫn cuộc sống hàng ngày của tôi.
  Tôi nhận ra
  Thị trường Forex là thị trường tài chính không có điểm giao dịch tập trung cụ thể, phi tập trung và giao dịch 24h/ngày, 5 ngày/tuần.
  Kiến thức về thị trường của tôi còn quá hạn hẹp và không có một phương pháp hay phong cách giao dịch nào có thể tạo ra lợi nhuận mọi lúc.
  Ước gì
  Tôi nhận ra việc tìm hiểu thông tin, học hỏi kiến thức & cách hoạt động của thị trường thật kỹ rất quan trọng để tránh lãng phí thời gian.
  Thay vì tìm một phương pháp “hoàn hảo”, tôi ước mình hiểu rõ bản thân và tự định hình nên phong cách giao dịch cho chính mình.
Tôi nghe theo người này với lại đang thất nghiệp do dịch bệnh, tình hình khó khăn nên cũng muốn kiếm tiền. Tôi đã đi vay người thân, bạn bè được khoảng gần 10.000 đô la để chơi Forex. Tôi đã làm theo hướng dẫn của người môi giới, thực hiện đánh lệnh cũng theo hướng dẫn của người này. Tuy nhiên chơi được khoảng nửa tháng thì bị cháy tài khoản. Giờ tôi đang ôm số nợ mấy trăm triệu đồng, trốn về quê ở một thời gian, chứ không dám ở lại Sài Gòn vì sợ bị đòi nợ.
  Tôi nhận ra
  Giao dịch Forex không phải là con đường tắt để làm giàu, không dành cho những người đầu tư để đổi đời.
  Các sàn môi giới lừa đảo luôn có mức lợi nhuận hấp dẫn là những hình thức lừa đảo vô cùng tinh vi, rủi ro vô cùng cao. Việc lựa chọn sàn môi giới (Broker) để giao dịch Forex an toàn là việc quan trọng hàng đầu cho những người mới bắt đầu bước vào thị trường này.
  Ước gì
  Tôi ước mình biết đến WikiFX sớm hơn, để tránh sàn Forex Scam lừa tiền và có thể nhận biết những chiêu thức dụ dỗ trong thị trường này. Tại WikiFX tôi có thể tra cứu hồ sơ, giấy phép, số năm hoạt động, điều kiện giao dịch, mức độ uy tín, vị trí trụ sở, quy định hiện hành và các đánh giá khác của sàn Forex, từ đó tôi có thể đưa ra quyết định và sáng suốt hơn về lựa chọn sàn Forex.
Những năm đầu tiên khi tôi bắt đầu giao dịch Forex, tôi đã rơi vào tình trạng giao dịch quá nhiều điều đến chính bản thân tôi cũng không nhận ra. Với kỳ vọng kiếm lợi nhuận từ thị trường này, tôi đã đầu tư một khoản tiền lớn và thua lỗ.
  Tôi nhận ra
  Ai cũng cần thời gian để học hỏi và rèn luyện bản thân từ đó mới có thể nắm bắt và biết cách kiếm được lợi nhuận từ thị trường Forex.
  Sau tất cả, tôi nhận ra chuẩn bị tâm lý và thận trọng trong giao dịch là điều cần thiết vì chúng ta không thể biết ngày mai điều gì sẽ xảy ra.
  Ước gì
  Thay vì bắt đầu với khoản tiền đầu tư lớn, tôi ước gì trước đó mình suy nghĩ thấu đáo, học cách quản lý vốn, có kế hoạch quản lý rủi ro và biết cách chuẩn bị chiến thuật, kỹ năng lẫn tâm lý khi giao dịch.
Lúc mới biết về Forex, tôi bị thu hút bởi khả năng kiếm được nhiều tiền trong một khoảng thời gian tương đối ngắn, nhưng khi thị trường đi ngang/giảm hoặc không có biến động dẫn đến không có lợi nhuận và thua lỗ.
  Tôi nhận ra
  Dù là đầu tư ở đâu, lĩnh vực nào thì cũng sẽ gặp những rủi ro nhất định. Khi đầu tư bất cứ ai cũng có thể có giao dịch thất bại, kể cả người mới bắt đầu cho đến Trader chuyên nghiệp có nhiều năm kinh nghiệm.
  Có đến 90% các nhà đầu tư (Trader) đều thất bại và thua lỗ, nguyên nhân phần lớn là do thiếu kế hoạch giao dịch, không được kiến thức chuyên môn, thiếu sự kỷ luật và không có kỹ năng quản lý vốn. 10% còn lại là hòa vốn hoặc có lợi nhuận.
  Ước gì
  Tôi ước mình sử dụng tài khoản demo hiệu quả hơn.
Tài khoản demo chính là nơi để nhà đầu tư tôi có thể học hỏi các kỹ năng hay kiểm thử chiến lược trên điều kiện thị trường thực tế. Đây là một chế độ giao dịch không rủi ro, nơi không bắt buộc phải nạp tiền thật. Mặt khác, còn có toàn quyền truy cập vào nền tảng giao dịch với mọi chức năng và tính năng cần thiết.

Philippine Stock Exchange Wants to Be the Site for Crypto Trading When It’s Approved: Report

The Philippine Stock Exchange (PSE) wants to be the platform for trading crypto assets when the countrys regulators issue long-awaited rules governing the practice, according to a report from CNN Philippines.To get more news about ALGO, you can visit wikibit.com official website.
  PSE President and CEO Ramon Monzon told CNN that management first discussed the idea of setting up a domestic crypto exchange two weeks ago. The PSE has both the trading infrastructure and investor protection safeguards that Monzon said are necessary to trade cryptocurrencies.
  Monzon told CNN that mounting interest in cryptocurrencies means the Philippines cannot ignore them anymore. The PSE is currently awaiting guidelines from the Philippine Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), which began seeking comments from banks, investors, and the public in 2019 on whether the country should begin building a domestic crypto exchange.
  The country‘s government has historically been friendly toward digital assets. The Philippine Central Bank, though it has been outspoken about not considering the development of a central bank digital currency (CBDC) anytime soon, has licensed over a dozen crypto exchanges to operate in the country. And many Filipinos have become interested in crypto as a way to make money in the country’s struggling economy, with play-to-earn crypto mobile games like Axie Infinity becoming a popular way to earn extra income.
  Monzon told CNN that he believes the volatility of cryptocurrencies is what makes them attractive, which is why trading should happen under the watch of the PSE.

The Dean of Valuation: Bitcoin Failed as a Good Currency

The financial specialist and professor at the New York University – Aswath Damodaran – criticized bitcoin in a recent speech. In his opinion, the primary digital asset “failed miserably” and did not prove itself as a good currency.To get more news about KNC, you can visit wikibit.com official website.
  Gold and BTC Are Not The Same
  The prominent Indian professor – Aswath Damodaran – shared his point of view on bitcoin in the most recent episode of Moneycontrol Masterclass. He asserted that the largest cryptocurrency has failed to classify as a good currency because people disregard it as a payment method for daily and household purchases:
  “A good currency, in my view, is one that [is] used to buy coffee, buy your house, buy a car, and on that count, bitcoin has failed, and not just failed, its failed miserably.”
  Damodaran, also known as “the Dean of Valuation,” believes that crypto enthusiasts ignore bitcoins disadvantages only because they have made a lot of money from it.
  Speaking about the correlation between gold and the digital asset, the Indian opined that the yellow metal is the true store of value because it holds its price during financial catastrophes. He reminded that this is not the case with bitcoin, whose volatile nature makes it a highly risky investment tool:
  “Gold‘s biggest claim to fame is that when stocks collapse, gold holds its value. If I use the same test on bitcoin and I look at 2020, bitcoin didn’t behave like a collectible. It behaved like a very risky stock. Put simply, if I add bitcoin to a portfolio of stocks, Im just adding something that makes my portfolio even more volatile.”
  Did BTC Really Disappoint That Much?
  And while many critics questioned bitcoin‘s merit due to its volatile fiat currency price, MicroStrategy’s CEO – Michael Saylor – asserted that it is a better hedge than gold during these uncertain economic times of increasing inflation. He went further, stating that it outperforms the yellow metal by 50 times:
  “I think in the past 12 months, we have all been waiting for inflation, and I think we are seeing it now. I think investors are seeing that bitcoin is up by 330% and gold is up 7% in that period. So, bitcoin is outperforming gold as an inflation hedge by a factor of 50.”
  Known as one of the biggest BTC maximalists, Saylor highlighted the cryptocurrencys merit not only over gold but over all other investment instruments.

How Taproot Might Affect Bitcoin’s Competitiveness

Taproot is on its way. The long-awaited Bitcoin (BTC) upgrade has been confirmed, after it passed the minimum threshold of 90% miner approval in mid-June, meaning that it will be implemented in November.To get more news about ENJ, you can visit wikibit.com official website.
  While the core features of Taproot — increased privacy and enhanced wallet scripting — are fairly well-known, what will the upgrade's impact be on Bitcoin in a wider sense? Will it attract more adoption, take users away from privacy coins, or even incur the wrath of regulators?
  The answers to these questions are fairly mixed, according to a range of Bitcoin developers. Because while Taproots features might attract greater use of Bitcoin, it may also take a while before applications and Bitcoin-based services make full use of them, with protocols having to be built on top of Bitcoin before cost-saving and privacy features have a significant impact.
  What Taproot does for Bitcoin
  As a recap, here are the three main benefits Taproot will bring to Bitcoin:
  Reduced fees for multisig/complex transactions: Taproot will significantly reduce the data needed for processing complex transactions, such as those involving multiple signatures or time-locking. This is great for anyone who needs greater security.
  Increased privacy: in combination with Schnorr signatures, Taproot will let users mix transactions made by complex (e.g. multisig or time-locking) wallets with those using only single signatures. It will therefore let anyone concerned about revealing their use of multisig to hide such use.
  Enhanced wallet functionality: Taproot will let developers set more complex conditions for wallets. For example, it will let developers create multisig wallets which start off by requiring 3 out of 5 signatures to confirm transactions, but which can degrade over a set period of time to require only 2 out of 5 signatures. This is ideal if you anticipate the possibility of losing any of your private keys.
  These are the core features offered by Taproot. And pretty much every developer Cryptonews.com spoke with agreed that such features will be widely used, but not immediately.
  “I expect the features enabled by Taproot will be used very widely once downstream applications integrate them, as they will help the applications provide valuable features, procure competitive advantage and lower costs,” said one Bitcoin developer, who asked to remain anonymous.
  Other developers agree that we‘ll need to wait for applications, wallets and protocols to implement Taproot before its beneficial effects will fully make themselves known. For developer and BTC wallet service BTCPay Server founder Nicolas Dorier, it’s unlikely that adoption for Taproot will be as wide as it was for SegWit, particularly for users requiring only single-signature payments.
  “It will be widely used for other protocols built on top of Bitcoin (like Lightning). On-chain, Taproot makes the use of these protocols indistinguishable from other protocols. Multisig benefits from such kinds of enhancement will follow for sure, but will current multisig wallets move to Taproot?,” he asked, adding that the answer to this question is not clear yet.
  “Taking advantage of the privacy upside requires some more complex protocol (musig2) to be able to work,” he said, noting that it might not be worth the trouble for current multisig wallets.
  For Bitcoin author/educator/developer Jimmy Song, multisig wallets will gradually integrate Taproot, but again not immediately.
  “Not much at first, but much more over time. There is demand for good backup solutions, so yes, I think wallets will be integrating them,” he told Cryptonews.com.

Trustless bridges may be the key to blockchain interoperability

The arrival of interoperable solutions will be an opportunity for a positive shift in the publics perception of blockchain.To get more news about USDC, you can visit wikibit.com official website.
  Crypto and blockchain enthusiasts take pride in belonging to a community that is working on the future of financial systems. Yet, the community is innately fragmented thanks to multiple blockchains working independently of each other. The dream of mass adoption of blockchain and decentralized finance faces a major hurdle: a lack of interoperability.
  Meanwhile, decentralized applications (DApps) — the fruits of decentralization — are being held up. DApp developers face difficulties while transacting between different blockchain networks, and the reason behind this is they are stuck in the Ethereum ecosystem. Despite having the best infrastructure, Ethereum is losing its foothold.
  Ethereums pursuit of single-network blockchain dominance
  As per a DApp market report, around 59% of all DApps run on the Ethereum blockchain. The growth of decentralized finance on Ethereum notwithstanding, many developers and users are unhappy with the network.
  Growing transaction charges are an outright bane for developers and users alike. Likewise, the Ethereum network is also prone to clogging. Even six years after launch, Ethereums transaction speed languishes around 15 transactions per second (TPS). The combination of the above factors derails the efforts of developers by pummelling the feasibility of their projects.
  Also, the highly-anticipated Ethereum 2.0 upgrade fails to address the scalability issues. Eth2s complete implementation may be more than a year away. When you consider associated efforts like proof-of-stake migration and security upgrades, measures to tackle the scalability issue seem to be nowhere near the priority list.
  Part of the vision for Eth2 is “to make applications faster and cheaper to use.” With reality furthering itself away from that vision, however, the crypto-finance community is looking for alternatives.
  These alternatives are built on collaboration rather than competition. The potential driver of decentralized finance growth is enhanced interoperability.
  Interoperability and the hunt for interoperability solutions
  Touted as a solution for applying decentralized finance outside of the Ethereum blockchain, interoperability furthers the idea of decentralization. By facilitating seamless communication between different blockchain networks, interoperability is where the future lies.
  With interoperability, the traditional mentality of “I use blockchain B as it is better than blockchain A” undergoes a paradigmatic shift. We are moving toward a culture where blockchains A and B collaborate and are used in unison for a specific purpose.
  For better context, consider this: Without interoperability, the vast majority of DeFi protocols would lack the largest blockchain network and cryptocurrency, Bitcoin (BTC). However, with the help of blockchain bridges, it is now possible to transfer one‘s BTC holdings to the Ethereum network in the form of wrapped tokens such as Wrapped Bitcoin (WBTC), which has tokenized around 1% of Bitcoin’s supply on Ethereum. These ERC-20-compatible wrapped tokens offer faster Bitcoin transactions and enable users to employ Bitcoin on DeFi protocols such as Aave to lend and borrow assets — or perform other DeFi activities.
  It‘s also because of blockchain interoperability that users have the freedom to transact ERC-20 tokens on the Binance Smart Chain, dodging Ethereum’s spiking gas fees and executing transactions almost instantly. The arrival of interoperable solutions shall act as a window for multiple DeFi products and applications.
  Many developers, particularly those in high-volume sectors such as gaming, are now looking to layer two solutions to solve their problems. However, many of these solutions have been slow to deliver while developers waver over options like Plasma state channels technology. Rollups are the hot new workaround, bundling transactions for higher throughput.
  However, the fact is that many Ethereum layer two protocols leave DApps constrained to the Ethereum ecosystem. Without the chance to interoperate, developers and users cant tap into any value emerging from other platforms.
  Moving on, how can we attain seamless interoperability while bypassing the challenges faced by existing layer two infrastructure?
  Trustless bridges: The Holy Grail for blockchain interoperability?
  As the name implies, blockchain bridges are built to span blockchains and facilitate communication. This technology solves the issue of interoperating between two different protocols. Using trustless bridges, users can leverage the benefits of both blockchains.
  Generally, these bridges are governed by the “burn-and-mint” approach. According to this, tokens do not leave their respective blockchains during the transaction. The token is burned or locked in its blockchain, while its equivalent is minted or created on another blockchain. This method ensures a constant token supply and reduces volatility.
  There are two types of blockchain bridges: federated and trustless. The former is a private and more centralized project that requires certain criteria to be met before the bridge can be used. On the flip side, trustless bridges operate in a decentralized environment: Similar to Bitcoin and Ether (ETH) miners, trustless bridge validators receive incentives to maintain the bridges. Here, trustless bridges work on mathematical truths and are devoid of any human errors or corruption.

Full text of Xi Jinping's speech on the CCP's 100th anniversary

Chinese President Xi Jinping on Thursday gave a speech at Beijing's Tiananmen Square to mark the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Chinese Communist Party.Below is an official English-language translation of the full speech provided by the CCP via Xinhua News Agency:To get more news about 100th anniversary ccp, you can visit shine news official website.

Today, the first of July, is a great and solemn day in the history of both the Communist Party of China (CPC) and the Chinese nation. We gather here to join all Party members and Chinese people of all ethnic groups around the country in celebrating the centenary of the Party, looking back on the glorious journey the Party has traveled over 100 years of struggle, and looking ahead to the bright prospects for the rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.

On this special occasion, it is my honor to declare on behalf of the Party and the people that through the continued efforts of the whole Party and the entire nation, we have realized the first centenary goal of building a moderately prosperous society in all respects. This means that we have brought about a historic resolution to the problem of absolute poverty in China, and we are now marching in confident strides toward the second centenary goal of building China into a great modern socialist country in all respects. This is a great and glorious accomplishment for the Chinese nation, for the Chinese people, and for the Communist Party of China!
The Chinese nation is a great nation. With a history of more than 5,000 years, China has made indelible contributions to the progress of human civilization. After the Opium War of 1840, however, China was gradually reduced to a semi-colonial, semi-feudal society and suffered greater ravages than ever before. The country endured intense humiliation, the people were subjected to great pain, and the Chinese civilization was plunged into darkness. Since that time, national rejuvenation has been the greatest dream of the Chinese people and the Chinese nation.

To save the nation from peril, the Chinese people put up a courageous fight. As noble-minded patriots sought to pull the nation together, the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom Movement, the Reform Movement of 1898, the Yihetuan Movement, and the Revolution of 1911 rose one after the other, and a variety of plans were devised to ensure national survival, but all of these ended in failure. China was in urgent need of new ideas to lead the movement to save the nation and a new organization to rally revolutionary forces.

With the salvoes of Russia's October Revolution in 1917, Marxism-Leninism was brought to China. Then in 1921, as the Chinese people and the Chinese nation were undergoing a great awakening and Marxism-Leninism was becoming closely integrated with the Chinese workers' movement, the Communist Party of China was born. The founding of a communist party in China was an epoch-making event, which profoundly changed the course of Chinese history in modern times, transformed the future of the Chinese people and nation, and altered the landscape of world development.

Since the very day of its founding, the Party has made seeking happiness for the Chinese people and rejuvenation for the Chinese nation its aspiration and mission. All the struggle, sacrifice, and creation through which the Party has united and led the Chinese people over the past hundred years has been tied together by one ultimate theme-bringing about the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.

To realize national rejuvenation, the Party united and led the Chinese people in fighting bloody battles with unyielding determination, achieving great success in the new-democratic revolution.

Through the Northern Expedition, the Agrarian Revolutionary War, the War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression, and the War of Liberation, we fought armed counter-revolution with armed revolution, toppling the three mountains of imperialism, feudalism, and bureaucrat-capitalism and establishing the People's Republic of China, which made the people masters of the country. We thus secured our nation's independence and liberated our people.

21 Best BBQ Grill Lights for 2021

BBQ grill lights are a fantastic grilling tool for those who are tired of cooking in the dark or are done relying on insufficient phone lights.Get more news about Led Chargeable Barbecue Floor Light,you can vist our website!

These handy and affordable devices attach to your grill and cast powerful, focused light directly onto the grates, allowing you to keep the party going long after the sun goes down.

A good BBQ grill light will help you avoid nighttime burn hazards and allow you to actually SEE your food, preventing you from over-and undercooking food

They also free up your hands so that you can flip your food, tip back a drink, or prepare sides and sauces – safely and efficiently.

In this best BBQ grill light review, we’ll present the best grill light models on the market today. You’ll be grilling at night in no time!
Before you buy, make sure that the barbecue grill light fits your grill. If you have an aluminum or stainless steel grill hood, a lamp with a magnetic base won’t stick to it.

So you may want to shop for a unit that’s attached to the handle of your grill.

If you own a BBQ with a lot of surface area, you may need more than one light to destroy those annoying shadows. If that’s the case, I suggest purchasing more than one light – and the good news is that many barbecue lights come in packages of two.

You’ll also want to consider the Lumin rating. Many of the lights on here are designed for tactical applications, so they are the brightest on the market.If you’re tired of using disposable batteries, you may want to opt for a USB chargeable unit – or a solar-powered unit that you can charge in the sun.

Just remember that many of the units on my list provide up to 30 hours of continuous use on a single battery, don’t require energy from the sun or an external power source.I like motion sensor units that mount to the handle and turn on and off when I lift and close my grill lid. However, I also want the flexibility gooseneck lights give me.

When I need to prepare sides and sauces at my end table or check on my side searing station, gooseneck lights give me that flexibility.

Choose a lamp that adjusts to your cooking style. If you have a small surface area to cover and don’t use prep spaces, a handle-mounted lighting system will be sufficient.


Hydroforming and rubber pad forming (RPF) are two significantly popular methods of metal forming. The two processes vary in product finish, capabilities, pricing and production rate.Get more news about Rubber Forming,you can vist our website!

Hydroforming is the process of exerting high pressure on a metal blank placed over a steel forming tool to define and form the desired shape of the  blank. A variety of metals can be formed through the process of hydroforming, including aluminum, brass, carbon and stainless steel, copper and alloys. The process accepts both thin and thick blanks. The use of high and evenly distributed pressure reduces the risk of surface scratches and wrinkles on metal parts formed. The ability to create a high-quality product with only one tool or die (not a matched set as in stamping) reduces the cost of labor and materials. The set-up is built to last for many production runs over time.
Rubber pad forming is accomplished on a hydroform or other hydraulic machine.  High pressure is exerted on rubber pads which in turn exert high pressure on a metal blank, which then forms to the shape of its forming box. Unlike hydroforming, rubber pad forming is limited to the forming of thin materials, primarily aluminum and thin specialty materials. The forming tool or box is made from relatively inexpensive resin board, aluminum, or plastic. Wrinkles can result. This type of metal forming is most useful for shallow parts that need moderately simple forming.  Production for this process is slower than other metal forming processes. The set-up is not built to last for many runs over time.

Ultimately, hydroforming and rubber pad forming both offer advantages, depending on  the thickness of the material, shape of the part, and cost considerations. Jones Metal Products offers both and has been perfecting our hydroforming processes for over 50 years. Our experts perform precision forming, laser cutting and finishing while working hard to advance our processes and save customers money. If you have a hydroforming project, call JMP at 888-868-6535 to talk about how you can save money and boost quality of your metal products. Ready for a quote? Send your drawing to us today.


The clay brick tiles that have emerged in recent years are loved by most builders for their strong texture and elegant appearance. However, buildings that use clay brick tiles as exterior wall tiles are more prone to the phenomenon of white efflorescence on the brick surface than buildings that use ordinary glazed tiles, which is collectively referred to as “efflorescence”, which directly affects the appearance of the building’s facade.Get more news about Terracotta Wall Panels,you can vist our website!

clay brick tiles are generally made of various pottery clays and other ceramic raw materials, which are vacuum-extruded to form a hollow body that connects two bricks into a whole, and is fired after drying. Because it is double-layered when it is formed, it can be separated into two pieces after being fired or at the joint of the front ribs, and it can be separated into two pieces, so it is called clay brick tiles, also known as clay brick tiles and double brick. The clay brick tiles has a soft color and a stable appearance. The surface can be smooth or rough. It can provide strong concave and convex lines. It can also be assembled into different patterns of art decoration effects. It has an obvious three-dimensional effect. It is a new type of exterior wall decoration material. It is widely used in buildings, squares, passages, parking lots, subways and other places. Compared with the current colored glazed bricks, glazed bricks and unglazed bricks used for architectural decoration, the clay brick tiles have a dovetail groove on the back of the bricks, and the sticking is firm and will not fall off. At the same time, the products are completely fired from natural raw materials, with high strength and acid resistance. Alkali, non-slip, anti-corrosion, and air permeability. Poorly paving the clay brick tiles will easily cause the whitening of the brick surface, which is collectively referred to as “efflorescence.” Once this phenomenon occurs, you must first understand the true reasons for splitting the bricks and paving the efflorescence. Targeted treatment and prevention.
Reasons and principles of efflorescence due to poor clay brick tiles paving: construction material reasons: wall base plastering layer contains higher free alkali content; binders and jointing agents contain higher free alkali content; construction technology Reason: When paving, the adhesive filling rate on the back of the clay brick tilesis insufficient, forming a cavity; the joints are not full, causing cracks, and causing rainwater to seep. The principle of efflorescence: due to the above-mentioned reasons of insufficient base layer, bonding material, jointing material and paving joints, after rainwater enters the back of the brick or the gap, it will produce free alkali in the bonding material and jointing material. The physicochemical reaction produces white flowers, which permeate through the cracks or brick surfaces of the bricks to form efflorescence.
The methods to effectively prevent efflorescence after splitting the tiles are as follows: dry the base layer and spray the impermeable material first; choose low-alkalinity adhesives and jointing agents; during the construction process, the adhesive paving is full , Jointing is dense; after paving, the jointing should be completed after the adhesive is fully cured, generally not less than 48 hours, which is more than 7 days; avoid construction in rainy days, especially avoid jointing in rainy days.
The treatment method of clay brick tiles that have produced efflorescence is: on sunny days, clean the brick surface with oxalic acid and rinse with water; after the brick surface of the clay brick tilesis air-dried, spray a layer of colorless and transparent anti-seepage agent to protect the outside world. The water cannot enter the back of the clay brick tiles or grooves to prevent the production of efflorescence: water. (Because the air humidity is high in rainy days, it is not suitable to operate in rainy days); after spraying the anti-seepage agent, the brick surface effect of the clay brick tiles will not be affected.

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