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Pinayagan ng google ang Crypto

Google Allows Crypto Ads Again in US, Blacklists ICOs and DeFiOnly regulated crypto companies can run their ads on Googles platforms.To get more news about Pinayagan ng google ang Crypto, you can visit wikifx.com official website.
  Google has updated its advertising policy for financial products and services, allowing marketers to run cryptocurrency advertisements again, effective from Tuesday. But, the search-engine giant is putting heavy restrictions on the advertisements related to cryptocurrencies.
  The ads targeted to the United States-based consumers must be of regulated crypto companies, meaning they must be registered with the ‘FinCEN as a Money Services Business and with at least one state as a money transmitter’ or should be a federal or state-chartered bank entity.
  “The… cryptocurrency products and services may only be advertised if the advertiser is a licensed provider, the products and ads comply with local laws and industry standards, and the account is certified by Google,” the policy page states.
  Restrictions Are in Place
  Google banned advertisements related to initial coin offerings (ICOs) and other crypto products and services in June 2018. Though the recent policy update released its guidelines, the company is still not allowing ICO ads, along with ‘DeFi trading protocols, or otherwise promoting the purchase, sale, or trade of cryptocurrencies or related products’.
  In addition, it will not allow ad destinations that aggregate or compare issuers of cryptocurrencies or related products.
  The updates on Googles financial ads policy were first revealed in June.
  Google has the largest advertising network that displays ads on its search page, websites running Google Adsense and all other platforms of the company. Despite the heavy restrictions, the partial lift of the advertising ban is seen as a positive signal within the Bitcoin communities on various social media platforms.
  Meanwhile, other social media platforms banned paid promotions of cryptocurrency and other risky financial products. Tiktok, a mobile-based video-sharing platform with more than a billion global users, updated its branded content policy last month, prohibiting its users from posting any promotional content on cryptocurrency and forex trading products.

Trading Psychology – 4 Wise Quotes From The Legendary Mark Douglas

  In the world of trading, few books have had the impact of Mark Douglas‘ big hit Trading in the Zone. Written almost two decades ago, the book has become a must-read for traders looking to elevate their game to legendary status. While there is so much wisdom to be found in the book, we’ve compiled 5 of the best quotes about trading psychology that every trader should read.To get more news about Trading Psychology, you can visit wikifx.com official website.
QUOTE 1: “If you can learn to create a state of mind that‘s not affected by the market’s behavior, the struggle will cease to exist.”
  When we make trades, we focus all of our attention on the market. Simply put, when the market goes up, we‘re happy, and when it goes down, we’re sad.
  In past articles, we‘ve reviewed all of the stages of emotions that traders encounter while trading. If you’ll recall, the only emotion that is healthy to experience while trading is no emotion.
  When you feel good, you may tend to be overcome with self-confidence, which could lead to reckless trading. The opposite is true for sadness. When youre in a funk, you might be apprehensive about making another trade. You might hesitate and miss your opportunity.
  If we come to the market free from emotions that come as a response to market events, we are free to focus on the actual facts of a trade.
  The reality is, each trade is just a small part of the overall, wide picture of your trading. One loss doesnt necessarily matter, nor does one win. Disconnect emotionally from each trade and stay focused on the long-term, bigger picture.
  QUOTE2: “When you genuinely accept risks you will be at peace with the outcome.”
  Before you enter a trade, if you have a concrete risk management plan as part of your trading strategy, you should not sit by and worry as the trade develops.
  If you accept the risk you‘re willing to take, anxiety as trade progress will diminish. If, however, you find yourself worrying anxiously while watching a trade develop, it’s a good sign that you need to dial down your risk to an acceptable level.
QUOTE 3: “Trading is not about being right or wrong. Its a probability game.”
  When you make trades, youre playing into the probability that those trades will go in the direction of your favor.
  Over time, the probability game will dictate which trades you should make and which trades you shouldn‘t make. However, since it’s a probability, the trade chances not working in your favor are always there.
  This is why its not about being right or wrong. Even the best-looking trade might not work out in your favor due to unforeseen events. The same holds true with a trade that initially looks bad. Over time, it may prove to be incredibly fruitful.
  QUOTE 4: “A typical trader wants to be right on every trade.”
  Whether they‘d admit it or not, it’s a safe bet to say that most traders feel this way.
  While losing is part of the trading game, most traders would obviously prefer to win on every trade. This mentality leads many traders to over-analyze and rationalizes each and every trade.
  The problem with this is, losing is a part of the business. Once we accept this, we can move away from over-analyzing and just accept that some trades wont work in our favor. It will reduce anxiety and allow us to enjoy bits of the bad times along with the good.

アヴァトレード・ジャパン AVATRADEのサービスのメリット

AVA TRADEは、世界中にグローバル展開しているAvaグループが提供しているサービスのブランド名であり、Avaグループは本社をイスラエルに置くグループ企業です。To get more news about アヴァトレード, you can visit wikifx.com official website.




BI Revisi Proyeksi Pertumbuhan Ekonomi Domestik di 2021

  Bank Indonesia memperkirakan pertumbuhan ekonomi domestik akan lebih rendah dari sebelumnya pasca penyebaran varian Delta Covid-19 di tanah air.To get more news about Ekonomi Indonesia, you can visit wikifx.com official website.
Hingga triwulan II 2021, perbaikan ekonomi terus berlanjut, terutama didorong oleh peningkatan kinerja ekspor, belanja fiskal dan investasi non bangunan. Perkembangan sejumlah indikator dini pada Juni 2021, seperti penjualan eceran dan PMI, mengindikasikan pemulihan ekonomi domestik yang masih berlangsung.
  Gubernur Bank Indonesia, Perry Warjiyo, memperkirakan pertumbuhan ekonomi di triwulan III akan lebih rendah sehubungan dengan kebijakan pembatasan mobilitas yang harus ditempuh oleh Pemerintah untuk mengatasi peningkatan penyebaran varian delta Covid-19. “Penurunan pertumbuhan terutama terjadi pada konsumsi rumah tangga karena terbatasnya mobilitas, di tengah peningkatan stimulus bantuan sosial oleh Pemerintah, dan tetap kuatnya kinerja ekspor,” jelas Perry dalam konferensi pers hari ini (22/7).
  Namun, BI memperkirakan pertumbuhan ekonomi kembali meningkat di triwulan IV didorong oleh peningkatan mobilitas sejalan dengan akselerasi vaksinasi dan penerapan protokol kesehatan, berlanjutnya stimulus kebijakan, dan terus meningkatnya kinerja ekspor.
  Dengan perkembangan tersebut, maka Bank Indonesia merevisi pertumbuhan ekonomi di tahun ini menjadi 3,5% - 4,3% dari proyeksi sebelumnya di 4,1% - 5,1%.


Mô hình cờ đuôi nheo (Pennant) là một mô hình giá tiếp diễn, được hình thành sau một xu hướng mạnh.To get more news about Pennant pattern, you can visit wikifx.com official website.
  Sau một xu hướng tăng mạnh (Bullish Pennant) hoặc giảm mạnh (Bearish Pennant) tạo ra 1 chuyển động giá có 1 độ dốc khá lớn, thị trường thường tạm nghỉ để “lấy đà” trước khi tăng tốc tiếp tục di chuyển theo xu hướng ban đầu. Trong thời gian tạm dừng này, giá thường dao động với biên độ nhỏ và hẹp dần đến khi hội tụ lại một điểm phía bên phải mô hình tạo thành hình tam giác hoàn chỉnh.
  Đặc điểm nhận biết mô hình cờ đuôi nheo
  Cột cờ (Flagpole): mẫu cờ hiệu luôn bắt đầu bằng cột cờ, thể hiện xu hướng tăng giá cao hơn ban đầu, có khối lượng giao dịch lớn. Cột cờ là một biến động giá cực mạnh lên thẳng đứng nên tạo ra được mẫu hình giống một cái cột.
  Mức phá kháng cự (Breakout level): giá sẽ bứt phá cạnh trên với mô hình cờ tăng để đi theo xu hướng ban đầu là xu hướng tăng, hoặc giá sẽ bứt phá cạnh dưới để tiếp diễn xu hướng giảm ban đầu.
  Mô hình cờ đuôi nheo (Pennant): được xác định bởi hai đường xu hướng hội tụ lại với nhau, gần giống với một tam giác đối xứng, chứ không phải là hai đường song song như mô hình cờ. Nhưng mô hình cờ đuôi nheo chỉ thực sự được xác nhận khi giá đã phá vỡ khu vực kháng cự hoặc hỗ trợ.
1. Mô hình Bullish Pennant
  Mô hình cờ đuôi nheo tăng (Bullish Pennant) là mô hình báo hiệu giá sẽ tiếp tục xu hướng tăng ban đầu. Vậy nên, đặc điểm quan trọng của mô hình Bullish Pennant chính là giá phải trong một xu hướng tăng mạnh trước đó. Xu hướng tăng này đồng thời tạo thành cán cờ hoàn chỉnh.
  Mô hình cờ đuôi nheo tăng thường được cấu tạo bởi đường kháng cự dốc xuống và đường hỗ trợ dốc lên hội tụ nhau tạo thành một hình tam giác.
  Các biến động của giá bị giới hạn trong hình tam giác này cho đến khi đủ sức breakout ra khỏi đường kháng cự.
  Sau giai đoạn cô đọng, khi phe mua đã tích trữ đủ năng lượng cần thiết sẽ “ồ ạt” đẩy giá tăng mạnh, thị trường sẽ tục tăng mạnh.
2. Mô hình Bearish Pennant
  Mô hình cờ đuôi nheo giảm (Bearish Pennant) là mô hình tiếp diễn, hình thành sau một xu hướng giảm mạnh. Mô hình này được tạo bởi đường kháng cự và đường hỗ trợ giao nhau tạo thành hình tam giác.
  Sau khi giá giảm mạnh, nhiều người bán lần lượt đóng lệnh để chốt lời còn một số người bán lại nhày vào để đi theo xu hướng, khiến giá cô đọng lại một chút. Do đó, giai đoạn hình thành tam giác giá cũng từ từ di chuyển chậm lại.
Khi số lượng người bán đủ mạnh, giá lập tức phá vỡ đường hỗ trợ và tiếp tục đi xuống mạnh mẽ. Đây cũng là tín hiệu cho thấy phe bán đang bắt đầu bán ra và lượng cung trên thị trường sẽ tăng lên nhanh chóng.

Can the Digital Dollar Boost the US Economy?

Macroeconomics expert and Soundwise founder Natasha Che advocate why the US dollar digital token issued by the Federal Reserve could change the fortunes of America.To get more news about Exness, you can visit wikifx.com official website.
  In an extensive tweet on August 3, the author stated that the largest export of the United States is its currency – the dollar. It is currently the largest money network in the world, used for 40-50% of global trade and international credit settlements.
  Che says that thanks to its reserve currency status, the US can “get away from murder” for its monetary policy and bring its debt to catastrophic levels. World trade is expanding every year, as is the demand for the dollar, so providing a medium of exchange and storage of value for the entire planet is a lucrative monopoly.
Digital dollar to the rescue?
  Currently, the United States continues to accumulate debt to other countries. This is especially true of China, which sells its exports and accepts Treasury bonds and IOUs as payment. Trade deficits accumulated over time will be equal to the US external debt.
  Che suggested a dollar-as-a-service (DaaS) export mechanism where America would benefit from intangible income from issuing money. Since this would not be recorded in the books of account, the trade deficits minus the “DaaS” would be equal to the external debt.
  “If the United States wants to cut its debt, it must increase the value of its dollar and service exports. But how? By making the USD money network larger and easier to use.”
  The dollar becomes less and less available outside the US, but a central banks digital currency could change all that. Broadcasting cryptocurrency around the world via big tech companies, sharing APIs so anyone can build on them, and making the network interoperable with major public blockchains could be beneficial for the Federal Reserve.
  Stablecoins like USDT and USDC have already highlighted the demand for digital dollars, so the official one could be a way to “arm” the currency. The United States is already afraid that China is doing exactly the same.
  Read also: US Lawmakers Consider Stablecoins as a Security
Just talk, little action
  While China has already launched several pilots for its central bank digital currency, the United States still lags far behind, constantly stumbling over its own regulatory hurdles and pushing on stablecoins.
  On July 30, Federal Reserve Governor Lael Brainard outlined a number of reasons why the issuance and development of the US digital dollar urgently needed to be addressed. He said the Aspen Institute Economic Strategy Group:
  “The dollar is very dominant in international payments, and if other major jurisdictions in the world have digital currency, a CBDC deal, and the US doesn‘t have one, then I just can’t imagine it. It just doesnt sound like a sustainable future to me.”


Fed and central bank meetings in days past met anytime without a public pre announcement schedule. Central bank meetings then were extremely vital to monitor because Interest rates were raised or lowered based on the vote of the board. Never an early warning to a possible raise, lower or remain on hold. Nor was the size of an adjustment known in advance. Quite common was 0.50 then 0.75.To get more news about IC Markets, you can visit wikifx.com official website.
  The only advance warning for a trader was to run interest rate data to determine overbought and oversold for a possible interest rate direction or on hold. It's an exact science yesterday and into this modern trade day but the difference is today's averages don't move compared to days past.
  Interest rates then were quoted as headline and discount rates. The terminology changed in the modern day to headline and overnight rates but the meaning is the exact same. The overnight rate remains a discount to headline.
  Market reactions had to immediately price the new interest rate adjustment and moves were extraordinary. 2 and 300 pip EUR/USD moves were quite common. These were the days of true volatility but also the days when DXY didn't exist as a means to measure EUR moves.
  Year 2000 came along and central banks were mandated to meet every 6 weeks. Not much ever changes to central bank policy in 6 weeks time. We hear the same old taper/raise story meeting after meeting. What changed were market moves. Today's 50 pip central bank moves lack comparison to 2 and 300 pip moves. A 100 pip move today is extraordinary and in one direction. This is called volatility today.
  Then came Forward Guidance, the bits and pieces to possible policy or taper and interest rate changes released to the public. Here traders hang on to every word from central speakers with hope to place another piece to the jigsaw puzzle together so we know exactly what will happen at meetings.
  Most GBP pairs to EM are oversold/ overbought to neutral. Nothing stands out as any trades to rush or trade on this day.
  GBPUSD for today 1.3816, 1.3833, 1.3840, 1.3851, 1.3861, 1.3874
  Vs 1.3894, 1.3903, 1.3912, 1.3921, 1.3929, 1.3938, 1.3947 and 1.3956. Don't expect the BOE to offer anything other than this price series as the price series is derived from the BOE. The central banks inform everyday how to trade their currencies, meeting or no meeting.


彼らはユーモアの源として性人形を始めた。拡大で、Samesex集会の出現。今日、人々は簡単にくすくす笑うかもしれません、しかし、彼らが現実と美しさを見るとき、彼らはそこで止まらなければなりません瞬間。ヵ月後、リースビジネスは買いやカスタマイズよりも管理するのがより難しいと述べた。To get more news about ダッチワイフ, you can visit riarudoll.com official website.





Final Fantasy 14 bans over 5,000 players for using real money in-game

In a news post, it’s revealed that just over 5,000 players have had their accounts in the open-world game terminated, accounting for the period between February 25 and March 3 of this year. This was due to violating the rules surrounding “real money trading and other illicit activities” that undermine the in-game economy, and throw the balance out of whack.To get more news about FFXIV Gil for sale, you can visit lootwowgold official website.

A further 814 were terminated for trying to take part in the above, advertising or otherwise attempting to create a deal that involved real currency, rather than the gil that’s used through-out the Final Fantasy series. Ban waves like this for offenders is unfortunately regular, back in 2019 over 9,500 accounts were removed for real money transactions. In that instance a number of players were kicked for using bots, too. While the RMT offences continue, Square Enix appears to have curbed botting, at the very least.
The next final Fantasy 14 expansion, Endwalker, was revealed recently. It arrives sometime in autumn, and we spoke to director Naoki Yoshida about why ending A Realm Reborn’s ten-year story is a necessary move.

WoW Classic just updated to the Naxxramas patch

The 40-person Naxxramas (Naxx) raid is now live in WoW Classic. Blizzard put out a trailer for the raid below, which is absolutely wild to see in 2020. So many memories are flooding back! Naxx felt like a punishing and proper end to Vanilla WoW, and a great way to usher in the new era of Burning Crusade. Now we see what Blizzard has planned next: a new announcement in February for BlizzCon online sounds likely.]To get more news about buy gold for wow classic, you can visit lootwowgold official website.

World of Warcraft Classic will eventually get to the point where it hits the end of Vanilla’s lifetime: patch 1.12.2 (which is confusingly different from the nomenclature used for Classic, bear with me here!).

I mean, it’s cruising there right now, as Classic just introduced the concept of Naxxramas to its Azerothian denizens, which heralds the end of the expansion and the lead-in to Burning Crusade, the best expansion: no need to at me, you know I’m right. It’s also the point where a lot of my friends quit the game, as me and a few others got more into it starting with Burning Crusade on. It was an exciting time for WoW!
As we know, WoW: Classic uses the Drums of War patch as the framework of WoW: Classic, allowing years of innovations to shine through on day one of the re-release. In other words, Classic is nearly “complete” following the launch of Naxxramas. What’s next? Well, I hope we get Burning Crusade. Maybe Blizzard is working on it right now, and will pull the switch when the Classic playerbase starts dwindling. Once that announcement hits (at February’s BlizzCon Online? Or November 2021’s potential BlizzCon?), people will start flocking back in en masse.

WoW Chains of Domination and Burning Crusade Classic “very unlikely” to release at same time

Speaking to LingHunFuSu (aka Neo), Raider.io Chinese community liaison and Douyu streamer, World of Warcraft director Ion Hazzikostas explained some of the difficulties in scheduling the two versions, and that the intention is always to do what’s best for players. “Well, obviously we will have more information to announce about specific release dates for Burning Crusade Classic and for Chains of Domination,” he said. “I can tell you that it’s very unlikely that we’re going to release both of those right at the same time, we know there are many players who would like to experience both.”To get more news about safe wow gold, you can visit lootwowgold official website.

He goes on to say that each has specific requirements in terms of testing that affects when the PTR or betas go live, and picking release windows involves some compromise. “While we want to avoid too much collision between the two, we also understand that there are many players who only play Classic, and there are many players who only play Shadowlands,” he stated. “We don’t want to punish one group in order to avoid a conflict for the other, while still trying to make sure that each game has some time and space to breathe on its own.”

The question arose from concerns that the recent overlap of Chains of Domination 9.1 on the public test realm, and The Burning Crusade Classic beta that started only a couple of weeks before, was reflective of some sort of simultaneous release. Hazzikostas’ comments suggesting otherwise should come as some relief for players who want to get the most out of their time in modern and classic.

You can watch the full interview here. In other WoW news, a group of bears managed to beat Castle Nathria, and someone got through a Torghast boss while nude. We believe WoW Classic could benefit from seasonal servers, and if you’d like a new way to experience the world of Warcraft, this DnD systems turns it into a tabletop RPG.

WoW Classic TBC release date seemingly leaked by Blizzard

World of Warcraft fans are eagerly awaiting the announcement of the World of Warcraft Classic expansion The Burning Crusade’s release date, and they might not have to wait much longer.To get more news about cheap wow tbc gold, you can visit lootwowgold official website.

Blizzard, possibly accidentally, ran an advertisement in the Battle.net launcher that let slip the release date for the WoW Classic version of The Burning Crusade. And if the slip-up is correct, it means that the expansion will drop in less than a month.The ads have been taken down and Blizzard has not officially announced a release date for WoW Classic TBC. Still, the ads were screen-grabbed by WoW Classic players and quickly spread across social media.

This would be far from the first time that companies have unintentionally spoiled their own surprises. Video game publishers often spoil upcoming titles by running recruiting campaigns for games that haven’t been officially announced yet. Retailers including Amazon, the PlayStation Store, and Gamestop have all failed to keep things secret as they run similar ads for games and content that haven’t been officially revealed.The original World of Warcraft: The Burning Crusade expansion added a host of new content to the game. The centerpiece of the expansion is a story based around the Burning Legion, an army of demons who were at the center of WarCraft 3: Reign of Chaos. The demons return to Azeroth and cross paths with the Alliance and the Horde, forcing them to find new allies and reuniting them with old ones. This content is now returning for WoW Classic.

Introduced through the stories are a number of new areas and races. Players will be able to travel into the Outlands and will be able to choose the Blood Elf and Draenei races for the Horde and Alliance, respectively.

While there was an abundance of new content included in WoW: The Burning Crusade, it’s unclear whether the WoW Classic: TBC release will feature all the same trappings, or possibly even more. Details are still fairly scant regarding WoW Classic’s expansions and how similar they will be to their original releases.


In Classic, we saw Blizzard match the release patch release of Vanilla content with a phase of release for Classic. While we saw a few things altered, such as BG releases and the honor system, for the most part, each phase was tied to a content patch. For TBC, however, Blizzard looks set to change that, especially for phase 1 and 2.To get more news about buying world of warcraft items, you can visit lootwowgold official website.

TBC Classic will use the patch 2.4.3 TBC client. This means like Classic, we’ll see the end of expansion class tuning, rather than the TBC launch tuning. This won’t impact the bosses, however, as they’ll launch in their original state, bar any unkillable bosses.

Phase 1 will launch when TBC Classic goes live on June 1st. As for the other phases, we won’t know a date until closer to their release. If we assume Blizzard pace it out like Classic, we’d expect content to drop in 4-6 month intervals.

With TBC Classic, one thing that’s changing is the way Arena, and PvP balance will work. For a start, we’ll be getting Arena Season 1 at launch, with what would have been Season 4 balance changes. Ultimately, this makes for an unknown world of Arena. With Season 1 items (bar the old launch raids) but Season 4 balance changes.

In a slight detour from the philosophy of Classic, Blizzard has sought to make changes to TBC Classic, especially the content release. The two most notable changes are that Tempest Keep and Serpentshrine Caverns won’t launch at the same time as TBC, instead, they’ll move to phase 2.

Ultimately, having both Tier 4 and Tier 5 raids out at the same time goes against Blizzard's formula for content releases. In OG TBC, however, the idea was to have Karazhan (releasing in phase 1 as normal) as the smaller raid, with teams moving onto the larger 25-man raids. In reality (and speaking from experience) what happened was guilds got stuck in Karazhan as feeder guilds for larger 25-man guilds looking to push content. This change should solve that problem, allowing guilds more time to gear up before Phase 2.
The second major change comes in PvP, specifically Arena. In TBC at release, Arena Season 1 started shortly after launch. That won’t change here, however, we’ll be working off of the Season 4 balance patch, making the TBC Classic Arena Season 1 a very different affair. The rest of the Seasons will release with each new phase, except for phase 4 (Zul-Aman) which won’t bring a new Arena Season.

Personalized Perfectly turns handwriting into jewelry

Usually when someone wants a signature, it’s for an autograph or a check, but Deco found a local business that can turn your handwriting into the hottest thing around.To get more news about photo projection bracelet, you can visit koalaprint.com official website.

When it comes to the perfect gift, getting something personalized is always a good idea.

Heather Knickerbocker, Personalized Perfectly: “Personalized Perfectly is a website that sells accessories. They are all personalized perfectly for you.”but their latest creation has the right stuff.Heather Knickerbocker: “We can take the name and create it on a larger piece of jewelry as an engraving, or we can take the name or writing and create it as the actual piece of jewelry.”

From a child’s note to a message in a card from years ago, an actual signature can now be a signature piece.

Heather Knickerbocker: “We’ve had a lot of customers find old greeting cards or letters, and immortalize their loved ones by making their signatures into jewelry.”Peter Hernandez: “It’s super original. That’s not something you can just buy in the store, so definitely something special.”And it’s not just kids’ messages or cards that can get turned into these looks.

Shireen Sandoval: “Gosh, I always wanted to wear my name, like metal. So fabulous. One-name, two-name, oh, definitely one name, like Madonna or Cher. Beautiful!”Lynn Martinez: “I’ve always liked to pretend that I am a doctor, so I try to sign like a doctor. OK, OK, OK, I’ll give a real signature.”

Prices range from $20 to $60, and to create these, all you have to do is send a photo of your signature to Personalized Perfectly and … woo! You’ve got a gift for a co-worker or a parent.

Heather Knickerbocker: “All of our items are offered in silver, gold and rose gold. The sky is the limit with what you can do.”


It's the topic on everyone's radar. Personalised jewellery is something we've always loved. From our Alphabet pendant charms (if you're after some serious Meghan Markle style!) and completely customisable Alta Capture collection, to a whole range of engravable pieces. Here's our golden rules for making your jewellery feel truly unique.To get more news about personalized photo necklace, you can visit koalaprint.com official website.


When Meghan Markle donned her delicate 'A' letter necklace, in tribute to little Archie, the whole world went wild, proving personalised jewellery doesn't have to be just about you. It can be a display of affection for a loved one, a symbol of your deepest desires or a reflection of something going on in your life right now.

Personalisation doesn't need to be overt - choosing a curatable piece of jewellery is a wonderful way to create a different look that's COMPLETELY your own. Whether it's day to day or for different occasions - something that can change with your mood and evolve as your style does. Our Alta Capture charm bracelets, necklace and earrings can all be customised in a number of ways to create completely unique looks (even if you do chop and change them regularly!).

An engraving shows you mean it. Etching a message, symbol or word on to a piece of jewellery is a wonderful way to personalise a gift (we do it for free by the way!) or a great way to personalise one of your favourite styles of ours like the Signature bracelet or Ziggy pendant charm. You can also bring us one of your kid's drawings or even a handwritten note to be engraved - the possibilities are endless!

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