Kirjoittaja Aihe: Japan Tengsu: A Cautionary Tale of Unregulated Supplements  (Luettu 176 kertaa)

Japan Tengsu: A Cautionary Tale of Unregulated Supplements
In the vast world of dietary supplements, products promising everything from weight loss to sexual enhancement are not uncommon. One such product is Japan Tengsu, a supplement marketed for its supposed aphrodisiac effects. However, recent investigations have raised serious concerns about the safety and legality of these pills.To get more news about japan tengsu, you can visit official website.

Japan Tengsu is advertised as a natural supplement, but tests conducted by the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) in Australia have revealed a hidden and potentially dangerous ingredient. The TGA found that the pills contain sildenafil, an active ingredient in Viagra, a prescription-only medication used to treat erectile dysfunction.

Sildenafil is a potent substance that can have serious side effects, especially when taken without medical supervision. It can cause low blood pressure, heart problems, and interactions with other medications. Consumers are advised that sildenafil is a prescription-only medicine, and its presence in Japan Tengsu makes their supply illegal.

Despite the risks, the TGA has found that a number of people in Australia have bought the product online. This highlights a broader issue with the online supplement market, where products can be sold without the same standards of quality, safety, and efficacy required for approved medicines.

The TGA is now working with the Australian Border Force (ABF) to stop future shipments of Japan Tengsu tablets from entering Australia. If these tablets are found at the border, they will be seized and destroyed.

Consumers are advised to exercise extreme caution when purchasing medicines from unknown overseas Internet sites. Products purchased over the internet may contain undisclosed and potentially harmful ingredients. They may not meet the same standards of quality, safety, and efficacy as those approved by the TGA for supply in Australia.

In conclusion, while Japan Tengsu may promise enhanced sexual performance, the hidden risks they pose are far from attractive. Consumers should always consult with a healthcare professional before starting any new supplement regimen, especially products purchased online. The case of Japan Tengsu serves as a stark reminder of the potential dangers lurking in the unregulated corners of the Internet supplement market.
