Kirjoittaja Aihe: Guitar Picks - The Most Important Thing You Need To Know Before You Buy Any Guit  (Luettu 4293 kertaa)

A guitar pick is any plectrum designed for playing guitars. Picks are usually made from one solid material ("tuner plate") - usually some type of rubber, plastic, felt, leather, metal, stone, or tagua. They're also frequently shaped in a shallow isosceles triangular pattern with the two equal sides slightly rounded and the other corner slightly less rounded. Some guitar picks, called "tennis balls" or "tennis strings," have a second flat side that vibrates as you strike the guitar strings. The sound is produced by the vibration of the side of the pick against the strings. This extra vibrating pick can be very useful for producing what is known as "hammond sound," a deep bass sound produced on the lower register of the guitar.

Many guitar picks are fretted (not plated) and many have a finger guard to help keep them from sliding when you are holding the pick in your fingers. The most popular guitar picks are fretted (with a fingerguard) or semi-fretless (without a fingerguard). You will find that most music stores carry a full range of these Picks, including a large selection of rock, classical, jazz, folk and country picks. Here's a quick look at a few different kinds of guitar picks.

First, let's look at a few of the more common picks. At the low end of the scale there are light steel or aluminum picks. These are not highly recommended for playing high-speed playing, because the steel tends to produce pick noise. This can be very distracting if you are trying to play fast lead solos or playing with a band where the other players may be distracting themselves by picking too loudly. Heavy steel guitar picks are also not recommended for playing lead because they are so heavy and it can be difficult to get a good angle to make the best use of the pick while playing.

Another kind of guitar picks are plectrums, which are made from plastic or metal. Plectrums are not highly recommended for lead playing, but are great for rhythm guitar or for alternate picking. My favorite plectrum is the Jazz Punch series by Beegum, which are made from lightweight black plastic and sound very similar to a metronome except for the pick response.

Some guitarists prefer Chinese delrin guitar picks to any other plectrum. They come in three varieties, a flatworm, a flat steel, and the heartwood. Most Chinese delrin picks are flatwoods. The heartwood ones tend to sound more synthetic and they tend to be less comfortable to play than the flatwoods. Most Chinese delrin picks are made from the wood of young trees, and they are pressed while still in their early stages to get the best result.

Jazz Guitar Picks are a hybrid of plectrums and finger picks. Unlike other guitar picks, these plectrums are great for jamming and can be used for lead work as well. There are several models of Jazz Guitar Picks with different lengths of strings and head sizes.

I think that all guitar picks are useful for many different kinds of music. I only recommend one brand, though, because I personally use electric guitar picks and they really make a big difference in my playing. You should try a few different guitar picks to see what works for you. However, if you want to become a professional electric guitar player, I would recommend Plectrics for all your beginner guitar picks needs.

(citations needed and Photo Guitar Picks information.) I hope that this article was helpful in showing you how to choose your guitar picks. As always, please keep in mind that you need to find picks that feel right in your hands, so don't go cheap and dump a bunch of money on new guitar picks just because someone else told you they were the best. It is important that you learn to recognize good equipment from bad stuff.


