Kirjoittaja Aihe: Bridal shop owner says plus-size mannequin in window is fat-shamed daily  (Luettu 2127 kertaa)

Bridal shop owner says plus-size mannequin in window is fat-shamed daily

Stunned Debbie Shelley says passers-by regularly laugh, joke, jeer and make comments about the size 32 dummy.Get more news about plus size trendy clothing for women,you can vist!

Debbie, 53, put the mannequin in a wedding dress in the window display of her shop, Somerset Bridal in Minehead.

But she says she now has to listen on a daily basis to harsh comments being aimed at her and the mannequin over its size.Debbie says she installed the mannequin in April after getting it specially made following years of unsuccessful searches for a large size dummy.

But the mannequin – nicknamed Fuschia – has attracted negative attention.Debbie has even had to put up a sign asking people to show the mannequin some love not hate.9She said: ‘There’s quite a lot of mothers with children coming up to the window.

‘They point at the mannequin and say “don’t you ever get that fat love, no one’s going to want to marry you when you’re that fat”.‘These are mothers saying it to their six, seven-year-old children.‘They’re trying to make their children thinking about how fat and thin they are – using the mannequin to say “you don’t want to look like that”.’

After proudly displaying Fuschia at the front of the shops, the comments began while Debbie was doing appointments – with the cruel words being heard from the store.They were laughing, jeering, pointing, making jokes and just saying really rude things,’ says Debbie.

Somerset Bridal’s new sign reads: ‘Are you laughing? Or are you fat-shaming?‘Fuschia has feelings and we think she is stunning. Please send her lots of love and not laughs.’

Debbie said: ‘They’ll do the heckling from the pavement and then come up closer to have a look and see the sign and then they think “Oh my days, what have I just said”.‘It’s sort of not stopping them but it’s stopping people in their tracks after they’ve done it.’It isn’t just Debbie who hears the comments either, it’s her clients who are trying on dresses for their special day.

Debbie continued: ‘One time we had a lady who was trying on the actual dress that’s been on the mannequin that day and she could hear somebody jeering at the mannequin from outside and she could hear it and she said “What did he just say?’

‘We were like “ignore him ignore him, he’s just being stupid” and we pushed it off.‘But she was obviously quite upset that the very dress she had tried on from the mannequin fitted her perfectly and so she knew she was that size.’


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