Kirjoittaja Aihe: Suomi esillä Simpsoneissa  (Luettu 379893 kertaa)

Vs: Suomi esillä Simpsoneissa
Vastaus #120 08.10.15 - 19:25
Kertokaa papparaiselle, onko tämä Clash of Clans -viittaus:

Vs: Suomi esillä Simpsoneissa
Vastaus #121 11.10.15 - 13:15
Kertokaa papparaiselle, onko tämä Clash of Clans -viittaus:

No duh, jaksossahan sanotaan Nelsonin pelin nimeksi Clash of Castles :) Eli selvä viittaus Suomeen.

Vs: Suomi esillä Simpsoneissa
Vastaus #122 24.10.15 - 02:03
Tuli tuossa Sorg-visassa mieleen että eräässä jaksossa, missä Springfieldin rannalla pidettiin tätä.. öö.. Oliko tää joku tähtikarnivaali-tv-sarjaa?

Tämä parodia muistuttaa pikaisella vilkaisulla ainakin hivenen Suomessakin tuttua tutumpaa "Kymppitonni" - tv-sarjaa jossa siis oli suurinpiirtein 3x3 "ruudukko" kasattu lavasteista ja erinäköiset julkisuuden henkilöt arvuutteli erinäköisiä sanoja/yhtyeitä/muita erisnimiä.

Harmiksemme emme nähneet että olisiko tässä parodiassa arvuuteltu sanoja, koska myrsky iski juuri sopivalla hetkellä "kuvausalueelle"

Vs: Suomi esillä Simpsoneissa
Vastaus #123 24.10.15 - 11:44
Tuli tuossa Sorg-visassa mieleen että eräässä jaksossa, missä Springfieldin rannalla pidettiin tätä.. öö.. Oliko tää joku tähtikarnivaali-tv-sarjaa?

Tämä parodia muistuttaa pikaisella vilkaisulla ainakin hivenen Suomessakin tuttua tutumpaa "Kymppitonni" - tv-sarjaa jossa siis oli suurinpiirtein 3x3 "ruudukko" kasattu lavasteista ja erinäköiset julkisuuden henkilöt arvuutteli erinäköisiä sanoja/yhtyeitä/muita erisnimiä.

Harmiksemme emme nähneet että olisiko tässä parodiassa arvuuteltu sanoja, koska myrsky iski juuri sopivalla hetkellä "kuvausalueelle"

Googleta The Hollywood Squares :)

Milhouse Van Houten aavisti Bengt Holmströmin Nobelin – kuusi vuotta sitten

Suomalaiselle ekonomistille Bengt Holmströmille myönnettiin eilen taloustieteen Nobel-palkinto yhdessä yhdysvaltalaisen Oliver Hartin kanssa. Kuusi vuotta sitten esitetyssä Simpsonien 22. kauden avausjaksossa Luovuuden lähteillä Springfieldin ala-asteen oppilaat veikkaavat eri alojen Nobelien saajia, ja Milhouse Van Houtenin ehdokas talouden Nobelin saajaksi on "Bengt R. Holmstrom".

Holmströmin työpaikka Massachusetts Institute of Technology huomioi asian Twitterissä.

Lisää Simpsonien viittauksia Suomeen on nähtävillä täällä.

Vs: Suomi esillä Simpsoneissa
Vastaus #125 14.01.18 - 02:23

Ne jotka ovat niin vanhoja että muistavat v. 2007 pinnalle tulleen "The Simpsons Movien" ja tuolloin pinnalla olleen, epävirallisen ns. "The D'oh songin", tekoprosessista juttua. (sanoinko juuri että "Vanhoja jotka muistavat Simpsonit-elokuvan"?)

Ihan uutta tietoa biisin vanhuus,,kuin myös sekin et suomalaisväriä on nähty tämän taideteoksen tekemisessä! Hyvä Suomi, hyvä Mika!

Vs: Suomi esillä Simpsoneissa
Vastaus #127 07.10.21 - 13:32

Top Benzoic Acid Info
Vastaus #128 27.10.21 - 23:46
To the man asking about acetic acid sds, formaldehyde uses, chemicals in spanish, chemicals that can kill frogs, scrap metal prices miami, formaldehyde structure, acetic acid, steelseries,  I highly recommend this recommended agriculture site on top of agriculture license, phenol solubility, hydrogen fluoride formula, steelers score, carboxylic acid functional group, benzoic acid ir, bismuth subsalicylate, hydrogen fluoride chemical formula,  look at this awesome chloroform tips as well as nitric acid sds, hydrogen fluoride intermolecular forces, beryllium symbol, benzoic acid solubility, agriculture department near me, formaldehyde formula, carboxylic acid pka, cyanide daniel caesar lyrics,  try this great acetic acid details for phosphates in pool causes, ammonia sickness, metals depot, ethylene oxide uses, phosphates in water, phosphates in reef tank, alkali metals properties, steelers game,  Also don't forget this excellent toluene info not to mention phosphates in food, agriculture, phenolic resin, chemicals sg lewis lyrics, ore of iron meaning in hindi, acetic acid otic solution, sodium carbonate uses, bismuth subsalicylate side effects,  look at this recommended phenol info for sodium chloride formula, formaldehyde uses, sodium carbonate decahydrate,  not to mention this best acetic acid blog not to mention phenol structure, nitric acid density, bromine gas formula, ore of iron example, metals nonmetals and metalloids, sulfuric acid, acetic acid pka, ore of iron meaning,  look at this useful ethylene oxide site and don't forget phenolphthalein, ethylene oxide in food, nitric acid for sale, steely dan, scrap metal recycling near me, phenol, chemicals released during sex, ammonia definition,  try this top rated benzene blog for ammonia formula, formaldehyde, phosphates high in pool, carboxylic acid functional group, agriculture jobs, cyanide meaning, nitric acid uses, metals nonmetals and metalloids,  Also don't forget this useful ethylene oxide details not to mention phosphates in pool, ethylene oxide gas, chemicals in covid vaccine, formaldehyde in vape, benzoic acid melting point, phosphates drink, toluene density, bromine valence electrons,  look at this great benzoic acid tips for agriculture license, phosphoric acid formula, steelers, See More Top Carboxylic Acid Details e0b50eb

Great Steel Site
Vastaus #129 28.10.21 - 00:04
For the lady talking about alkali metals properties, ore of iron example, phenol group, hydrogen cyanide molecular geometry, steelers game, carboxylic acid, sodium carbonate vs sodium bicarbonate, benzoic acid melting point,  I highly suggest this updated cyanide site alongside all ore of iron example, formaldehyde structure, sodium carbonate, ethylene oxide in food, scrap metal miami, phosphoric acid strong or weak, chemicals released during sex, chemicals in the brain,  look at this best cyanide details as well as phosphates in reef tank, metals usa, chemicals released during sex, sodium carbonate formula, chloroform boiling point, alkali metals list, ammonia levels, bromine atomic mass,  try this awesome toluene site for alkali metals properties, phosphates in reef tank, acetic acid strong or weak, benzene structure, chemicals in spanish, sodium chloride tablets, chloroform meme, agriculture definition,  Also don't forget this updated benzene details and don't forget hydrogen fluoride chemical formula, chemicals released during sex, hydrogen fluoride polar or nonpolar, beryllium, benzoic acid melting point, sodium chloride iv, formaldehyde in vape, nitric acid ph,  look at this top toluene details for cyanide, benzoic acid melting point, phosphates,  alongside all this new bismuth blog alongside all nitric acid solubility, carboxylic acid density, sulfuric acid density, scrap metal fort lauderdale, ore of iron meaning, formaldehyde lewis structure, acetic acid solubility, benzoic acid formula,  look at this recommended sodium carbonate advice not to mention benzene, alkali metals reactivity, bismuth crystal, ammonia formula, scrap metal tarkov, carboxylic acid melting point, acetic acid density, steel,  try this great beryllium advice for phenol group, sodium carbonate, chemicals that can kill frogs, acetic acid, alkali metals in the periodic table, bismuth, scrap metal near me, toluene boiling point,  Also don't forget this cool alkali metals site and don't forget bromine gas formula, chemicals in covid vaccine, benzene free sunscreen list, toluene structure, formaldehyde formula, chloroform structure, bismuth subsalicylate side effects, phenol red,  look at this updated acetic acid details for beryllium phosphate trihydrate, sodium chloride melting point, bismuth subsalicylate, See More Awesome Nitric Acids Blog e8f9b1_

Useful Nitric Acids Blog
Vastaus #130 28.10.21 - 00:29
In response to the people talking about hydrogen fluoride intermolecular forces, alkali metals valence electrons, scrap metal tarkov, carboxylic acid, phosphates high in pool, beryllium phosphate trihydrate, agriculture department near me, bismuth electron configuration,  I highly recommend this great phosphates tips on top of benzene boiling point, nitric acid solubility, toluene boiling point, nitric acid ph, bismuth subsalicylate, phosphoric acid pka, phosphoric acid uses, benzene formula,  look at this recommended phenol details as well as nitric acid sds, bromine gas, phenolphthalein, hydrogen fluoride gas formula, cyanide fishing, nitric acid uses, steelers news, sodium chloride injection,  try this new ethylene oxide info for ethylene oxide in food, phosphoric acid ph, toluene structure, phosphates in pool causes, hydrogen fluoride formula, ethylene oxide uses, toluene molecular weight, bismuth atomic number,  Also don't forget this updated chloroform blog not to mention metals and nonmetals, benzene boiling point, sulfuric acid msds, scrap metal tarkov, alkali metals definition, benzene formula, chemicals that can kill frogs, hydrogen cyanide (hcn) is a product of combustion that,  look at this top rated ammonia site for hydrogen cyanide molecular geometry, beryllium symbol, scrap metal prices,  not to mention this awesome cyanide advice and don't forget phenol solubility, carboxylic acid, ammonia sickness, benzene free sunscreen, hydrogen fluoride formula, phosphoric acid uses, toluene density, chloroform,  look at this awesome benzoic acid tips on top of beryllium symbol, beryllium atomic mass, cyanide anion, toluene molecular weight, ethylene oxide is quizlet, agriculture synonym, phosphoric acid, sodium carbonate solubility,  try this recommended carboxylic acid advice for phosphoric acid ph, phosphates in pool causes, sulfuric acid, benzoic acid ir, benzene derivative, acetic acid solubility, scrap metal pick up, ethylene oxide in food,  Also don't forget this awesome benzoic acid blog on top of sodium chloride structure, benzene, formaldehyde formula, sodium carbonate decahydrate, bismuth electron configuration, carboxylic acid density, toluene molecular weight, bromine melting point,  look at this great sulfuric acid advice for bismuth, beryllium protons neutrons electrons, steelers game, See More Updated Phenol Info b3c734c

Excellent Alkali Metals Details
Vastaus #131 28.10.21 - 20:50
In reply to the guy asking about hydrogen cyanide lewis structure, benzene formula, chemicals in spanish, acetic acid ph, alkali metals, ethylene oxide is quizlet, phosphoric acid molar mass, sodium chloride melting point,  I highly recommend this updated carboxylic acid tips not to mention sulfuric acid msds, phosphates drink, benzene in sunscreen, sodium chloride, hydrogen fluoride, acetic acid otic solution, metals nonmetals and metalloids, bismuth atomic number,  look at this top carboxylic acid info and don't forget carboxylic acid density, formaldehyde formula, phosphates in food, formaldehyde structure, beryllium oxide formula, nitric acid uses, hydrogen cyanide treatment, metals usa,  try this top rated sodium carbonate blog for hydrogen cyanide skyfall, bismuth melting point, phosphates drink, formaldehyde in nail polish, sodium carbonate uses, sodium carbonate peroxide, nitric acid sds, ethylene oxide carcinogen,  Also don't forget this new sodium carbonate info as well as benzoic acid sds, scrap metal miami, metals and nonmetals, alkali metals valence electrons, ammonia levels, phenol red, bismuth subsalicylate, phosphoric acid,  look at this excellent benzene details for hydrogen fluoride uses, bismuth atomic number, chloroform formula,  as well as this cool toluene details alongside all carboxylic acid density, hydrogen fluoride uses, ammonia free hair dye, beryllium valence electrons, benzoic acid pka, bromine atomic number, bromine symbol, sulfuric acid density,  look at this top rated formaldehyde blog not to mention agriculture definition, ammonia levels, chloroform solubility, phosphates, steel, hydrogen fluoride gas formula, alkali metals group, ethylene oxide uses,  try this top beryllium blog for scrap metal pick up, beryllium atomic number, toluene structure, metals definition, steel magnolias, chloroform solubility, bismuth melting point, carboxylic acid formula,  Also don't forget this awesome sodium chloride info not to mention chemicals in spanish, sodium chloride tablets, nitric acids, alkali metals in the periodic table, hydrogen cyanide aqueous solution, formaldehyde formula, hydrogen fluoride lewis structure, toluene structure,  look at this top rated sodium chloride tips for ethylene oxide gas, nitric acid charge, phosphoric acid ph, See More Great Bismuth Details 34c2e6c

Top Business Massage Advice
Vastaus #132 23.11.21 - 07:06
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Vastaus #133 28.11.21 - 21:57
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